MT-KOMEX and Fronius are partners for the future

The MT-KOMEX Company is an expert and reliable partner in the construction of solar power plants. Their well-coordinated and reliable team has worked on more than 200 projects in this field so...


Many years of experience in constructing solar power plants have positioned MT-KOMEX as a safe and reliable partner. Engineers and installers employed by the company regularly attend specially prepared trainings and have...

10 years warranty for Fronius inverters ≤12,5 kW

Dear Fronius customers and partners, We ́ve got good news: With immediate effect, the new Fronius warranty promotion is in place. After registering the Fronius inverter in Solar.web, you will now receive 5...


If we were not worried about the snow we had in April instead of December, perhaps we should be worried about the results of the index developed by the American University of...


Thirty years after the company’s founding, a team of engineers and installers work on solar power plant construction projects in the former welding workshop, whose original activity is still evidenced by some...


The largest bifacial solar power plant on earth, DeLasol, with a capacity of 9.913 MW, was commissioned in early April. It was built on the territory of the municipality of Lapovo on...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

9 Key Steps to Owning Your Own Solar Power Plant

Here you will find some useful tips to help you make the right decision if you are considering installing solar panels on the roof of your building. Below you will find a list of...

The Energy Hat-Trick

How to introduce energy efficiency, mitigate carbon footprint and reduce electricity bills? And can it be achieved at a single blow? This triple benefit is possible to attain by building the solar...

RES for Our Health and Survival

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) has taken only three months to become a significant factor in Serbia’s green market and be acknowledged as a regional player. It is a...

Key Trends That Will Transform the E-mobility World in the Western Balkans

Elias Pöyry is the Co-Founder & CBO of Europe’s fastest-growing electric vehicle charging company Virta. Since the company has also been present at our market as a partner in charge&GO - the...

Shift Into The Fast Lane For Smart EV Charging

It is expected that every third vehicle in Europe in the coming period will be environmentally friendly, which is a standard that Serbia aspires to. As a quarter of the EU’s total emissions...

MT-KOMEX – Bringing Smart and Easy EV Charging to the Western Balkans

Summary Sustainable transport is slowly but surely gaining ground also in the Western Balkan region. Belgrade-based company MT-KOMEX is building electric vehicle charging network in the region. Thanks to the partnership with Virta,...

Charge&GO platform

According to the International Council for Clean Transport (ICCT), road traffic accounts for about 20 per cent of global pollution. Air pollution has become a universal problem, and a growing number of...

charge&GO –  Your Step Towards Electromobility

Do electric and hybrid vehicles belong to the future or are they reserved only for western, more advanced economies? However, if they are present here and now, such a standpoint is obviously...

Small Solar Systems Save Your Money and Nerves!

As electricity prices in Serbia have increased several times since 2000, and future potential price increases have been announced, partial energy independence for consumers is becoming more and more attractive. They most...