Tag: mining

Can EU Mining Waste Regulations Address the Challenges of Increased Mining?

In an effort to reduce its reliance on the import of critical raw materials, which are essential for various industries, including technology, energy, and automotive, Europe plans to increase mining in the...

When Ecology and Energy Transition Aren’t on the Same Team

A green future is on the horizon! We will drive electric cars, solar panels will shimmer on our rooftops, and picturesque fields and meadows will be complemented by wind turbines gently spinning,...

EBRD and EU to Mobilise Up to 100 Million Euros for Critical Raw Materials Investments

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint facility to provide equity investments for the exploration of critical and strategic raw materials, aiming...

This is what illegal mining in the Amazon looks like

Illegal mining in the Amazon – a threat to local communities’ health and livelihoods – continues to advance in the region. Last week, rumours that gold was found in the Madeira River,...

Indigenous Communities in Danger of Being Erased from the Map in Brazil

“We were already on this land before Brazil was Brazil”, said Eliseu Lopes, Indigenous leader. After living on and fighting for their lands for centuries, the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil are...

Greenpeace: Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Begins

In March 2021, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior set sail to a place called the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean to stop an emerging ocean threat – deep sea mining...

3 Ways the Ancient World Embraced the Circular Economy

Scientists show the circular economy has roots in ancient history. Broken ceramics, Roman recycling and melting down glass all happened thousands of years ago. Going circular could generate as much as...

Three Ways the United Nations Environment Programme Works to Address Illegal Trade in Wildlife

The world is dealing with unprecedented threats to wildlife. The loss of habitat from farming, mining and new urban developments has dramatically decreased the natural space for wildlife. Add to that the...

World’s Consumption of Materials Hits Record 100bn Tonnes a Year

The amount of material consumed by humanity has passed 100bn tonnes every year, a report has revealed, but the proportion being recycled is falling.The climate and wildlife emergencies are driven by the...

Methane Emissions from Coalmines Could Stoke Climate Crisis – Study

The methane emissions leaking from the world’s coalmines could be stoking the global climate crisis at the same rate as the shipping and aviation industries combined.Coalmines are belching millions of tonnes of...

Why Mercury Still Poses Important Threats to Human Health

In July, a 47-year-old woman showed up at the emergency department of her local hospital in Sacramento, California. Her speech was slurred, she couldn’t walk, and she was unable to feel her...

Renewable Energy to Expand by 50% in Next Five Years – Report

Global supplies of renewable electricity are growing faster than expected and could expand by 50% in the next five years, powered by a resurgence in solar energy.The International Energy Agency (IEA) found...

Australian Power Stations Among World’s Worst for Toxic Air Pollution

Power stations in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley and New South Wales’s Lake Macquarie region have been named on a list of the world’s biggest hotspots for toxic air pollution.A new report by Greenpeace,...

Cobalt Production ‘Must Nearly Double to Enable Required EV Growth’

Cobalt production needs to nearly double to make and charge enough electric vehicles (EVs) for the UK to meet its 2050 climate targets.That’s according to a letter co-authored by the Natural History...

EU Clean Water Laws Under Attack from Industry Lobbyists

Industry lobbies are mounting a push to roll back EU clean water regulations, even though less than half of the continent’s rivers, wetlands and lakes are in a healthy state.The lobby offensive...

World Bank Launches New Fund to Support ‘Climate-Smart’ Mining for Low Carbon Tech

The World Bank has launched what is claimed to be the first ever fund dedicated to making mining for the low carbon energy transition “climate-smart” and sustainable.The Climate-Smart Mining Facility, targeting a...