Tag: marine life

Japan Killed 50 Whales in Antarctic Protected Area, Data Shows

Japanese whalers have killed more than 50 minke whales in an Antarctic marine protection area this year, WWF has revealed. The disclosure comes on the opening day of the International Whaling Commission’s annual...

UK Public Urged to Use Water Wisely

The public is being urged to use water wisely as the UK environment “suffered” due to the heatwave between May and July. The call from the National Drought Group comes after a meeting,...

After Plastic Straws, Are Balloons Next To Go?

We get it. Balloons are fun and make great decorations. But we hate to burst your bubble—balloons can be a big problem when they are deliberately released into the environment. The litter is...

Forecasting Coral Disease Outbreaks Could Buy Time to Save Reefs

Hawaii's knobby finger coral careened toward extinction in 2015. The species was so rare that scientists could only find a few fragments in the wild, scattered across the seabed of Oahu's Kaneohe...

Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It Emits Methane in the Sun

The proliferation of plastic pollution has led to concerns over its impact on marine life and human health as the toxins it absorbs and emits move up the food chain. Now, a...

Adidas Will Use Only Recycled Plastics by 2024

Adidas has long been committed to the fight against single-use plastics. Since 2015, it has partnered with Parley for the Oceans to respond to the plastic pollution crisis threatening marine life. In...

This Floating Park in Rotterdam is Made from Recycled Plastic Waste

More than 1,000 square feet of plastic ultimately destined to pollute the ocean is getting a second lease on life in Rotterdam. On July 4, 2018, Recycled Island Foundation opened its prototype...

Cocaine in Rivers Harming Endangered Eels

Tiny amounts of cocaine flushed into rivers cause eels to become not only hyperactive but to suffer from muscle wastage, impaired gills and hormonal changes, a study has found.The impact of traces...