Tag: Land Degradation

World Needs USD 8.1 Trillion Investment in Nature by 2050 to Tackle Triple Planetary Crisis

A total investment in nature of USD 8.1 trillion is required between now and 2050 – while annual investment should reach USD 536 billion annually by 2050 – in order to successfully...

Three Ways Drones Help Us Better Manage Our Land and Protect Our Planet

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – or drones, as most people know them – really take off. From enhancing video coverage of...

India’s Youth Take on Plastic Pollution

On the 30th June 2020, 1,900 young people joined together at the Virtual Youth Summit in India to celebrate their completion of the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge in India. The challenge is...

Restoring and Rehabilitating Land a Big Step Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

With just 10 years remaining before the world’s nations are due to realize the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030, we still have a long way to go for countries to deliver on...

Free Running Challenge that Enables Users to Compete with a Wild Snow Leopard

Aiming to highlight the need to conserve the world’s endangered wildlife, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), adidas Runtastic further supported by Internet of Elephants and the Snow Leopard Trust launched a running...

Protecting Europe’s Land and Soil Resources Is Fundamental for a Sustainable Future

Land and soil underpin life on our planet. The way we currently use these vital and finite resources in Europe is not sustainable. Human activities — growing cities and infrastructure networks, intensive...

We Must Change Food Production to Save the World, Says Leaked Report

Attempts to solve the climate crisis by cutting carbon emissions from only cars, factories and power plants are doomed to failure, scientists will warn this week.A leaked draft of a report on...

These Are the Most Endangered Species in the World

As 2018 ended, it brought to light the reality that some animals — after existing on Earth for millions of years — are gone for good. At the end of last year,...

Land Degradation Threatens Human Wellbeing

Land degradation is undermining the wellbeing of two-fifths of humanity, raising the risks of migration and conflict, according to the most comprehensive global assessment of the problem to date. The UN-backed report underscores...

NEW UNCCD REPORT: Governments Tackle Interlinked Challenges of Land Loss and Climate Change

A new UN report says that mismanagement of land coupled with the impacts of a changing climate are key factors responsible for the loss of valuable agricultural land. Current management practices in the...