Tag: IEA

IEA Launches New GPT Tool to Explore Flagship Energy Data and Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence

The IEA today released a new, AI agent for users to explore the 2024 edition of the Agency’s flagship World Energy Outlook – allowing anyone curious about the report’s findings to more...

Natural Gas Demand Growth Oicks up in 2024 Amid Uncertainties Over Supply

Global demand for natural gas is increasing at a stronger rate in 2024 than in the previous two years, which were heavily affected by the turmoil of the global energy crisis. At...

The World’s Electric Car Fleet Continues to Grow Strongly

Despite near-term challenges in some markets, based on today's policy settings, almost 1 in 3 cars on the roads in China by 2030 is set to be electric, and almost 1 in...

Clean energy is boosting economic growth

Clean energy is moving towards centre stage in the global energy system – and as its importance rises, a new clean energy economy is emerging. Clean electricity accounted for around 80 percent of...

Oil Demand Growing at a Slower Pace as Post-Covid Rebound Runs its Course

Global oil demand growoilth is currently in the midst of a slowdown and is expected to ease to 1.2 million barrels a day (mb/d) this year and 1.1 mb/d in 2025 –...

IEA: Growth in global oil demand is set to slow significantly by 2028

Growth in the world’s demand for oil is set to slow almost to a halt in the coming years, with the high prices and security of supply concerns highlighted by the global...

Manufacturing plans for key clean energy technologies are expanding rapidly as investment momentum builds

Announcements of new manufacturing projects for several essential technologies for the clean energy transition – including solar PV, batteries and electrolysers – have accelerated in recent months, highlighting the growing global momentum...

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Norway Has Key Opportunities to Advance its Transition and Help Lead the World on Clean Energy Technologies

As a resource-rich country on the leading edge of many clean energy technologies, Norway is uniquely well placed for the clean energy transition and now needs to advance strategies to tackle emissions...

Global Energy Crisis Shows Urgency Of Accelerating Investment In Cheaper And Cleaner Energy In Africa

Today’s crippling spikes in energy prices underscore the urgency and the benefits for African countries of accelerating the scale up of cheaper and cleaner sources of energy, the IEA says in a...

Global Electric Car Sales Have Continued Their Strong Growth in 2022 After Breaking Records Last Year

Electric car sales powered through 2021 and have remained strong so far in 2022, but ensuring future growth will demand greater efforts to diversify battery manufacturing and critical mineral supplies to reduce...

IEA: Global natural gas demand set to decline slightly in 2022

The world’s demand for natural gas is set to decline slightly in 2022. as a result of higher prices and market disruptions caused by war in Ukraine, according to the International Energy...

Today’s Energy Crisis Makes Supporting Clean Energy Start-Ups More Important Than Ever

Periods of energy disruption, like the one we are seeing today, offer an opening for disruptive technologies. A helping hand for clean energy start-ups can help respond to the current energy crisis...

The Potential of Digital Business Models in the New Energy Eonomy

The pace of digitalisation in the energy sector has accelerated rapidly in recent years, leading to a transformation of many traditional business models. Thanks to innovative technologies and access to new types...

Coal power’s sharp rebound is taking it to a new record in 2021, threatening net zero goals

The amount of electricity generated worldwide from coal is surging towards a new annual record in 2021, undermining efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and potentially putting global coal demand on course...

Global energy efficiency progress is recovering – but not quickly enough to meet international climate goals

A rapid expansion of technologies and solutions that drive more efficient use of energy across the economy is necessary to keep global climate pledges within reach, according to a new IEA report,...