Tag: hunting

We Lose One Species on Earth almost Every Hour

Last Saturday in center of Zagreb, the attention of passers-by is captured by a clock whose alarm rings to wake up the whole human race. Every hour counts down and warns of the fact...

An Important Step Towards the Conservation of Endangered Migratory Birds

The Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS) welcomes the recent amendments to The Rulebook on Declaring a Closed Hunting Season for the Protected Wild Game Species, which established changes in...

Every Man Who Loves Nature Is My Brother

He said that Indians are the only people who live in harmony with nature, that we are in desperate need of every grain from the field that we do not leave a...

South Africa Gets Go-Ahead to Increase Black Rhino Trophy Hunting

South Africa has won permission to almost double the number of black rhinos that can be killed as trophies after arguing the money raised will support conservation of the critically endangered species.The...

Wolves ‘Established’ in Netherlands for First Time in 140 Years

For the first time in 140 years, wolves have an official home in the Netherlands. Ecologists told BBC Radio 4 that a female wolf they had been tracking had stayed in the country...

We Are Eating Large Wild Animals into Extinction

Much of the planet’s megafauna is being driven extinct because of the usual causes: habitat loss and rampant poaching for body parts like horns, bones and tusks.But there is another reason large...

Judge Stops Bear Hunt and Returns Yellowstone Grizzlies to the Endangered List

The hunt for grizzlies in Yellowstone National Park is officially over. This week, a judge ordered that all grizzly bears living in or near the park to be put back on the...

52 Percent of World’s Birds of Prey Populations in Decline

Grim news for the world's raptors—an iconic group of birds consisting of hawks, falcons, kites, eagles, vultures and owls. After analyzing the status of all 557 raptor species, biologists discovered that 18 percent...

UP Project Leads to World’s First Lion Cubs Born Through Artificial Insemination

A lioness at the Ukutula Conservation Center (UCC) and Biobank, in South Africa North’s West province has given birth to two cubs conceived via non-surgical artificial insemination (AI), using fresh semen collected...

Fear of Humans Is Forcing Daytime Animals into Night Mode

Thanks to human activity, some daytime animals are switching over to the night shift.Justin Brashares noticed it first in 2013, when he was studying olive baboons in Ghana: during times that humans...