Tag: Hungary

Sweden Shutters Last Coal-Fired Generating Plant 2 Years Early

It’s good news when a nation makes plans to rid itself of electricity generated from burning coal. It’s even better news when it does so ahead of schedule. Swedish utility Stockholm Exergi...

Migration v Climate: Europe’s New Political Divide

The crowd that gathered outside Hungary’s neo-gothic parliament building on Friday was loud, young and passionate. The latest round of global school climate strikes drew several thousand people in Budapest, including the...

World’s First 5-Country Biosphere Reserve Nominated to UNESCO

Today, thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia submitted an historic UNESCO application to establish the first 5-country biosphere reserve in the world. With...

EU invests €116m in climate and environmental projects

The European Commission has announced an investment worth €116 million (£102m) to support 12 large-scale environmental and climate projects. They are being funded under the LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Change,...

UN Pact Acknowledges Climate Migration for the First Time

The final draft of a UN compact on migration published July 11 recognized the existence of climate refugees specifically for the first time, The Thomas Reuters Foundation reported Thursday.The Global Compact for...

Five EU Member State Regulators Confirm Application of Third Package Network Codes on Borders to Energy Community Contracting Parties

The national regulatory authorities of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania have signed a general unilateral declaration on the applicability of all Third Energy Package gas network codes on interconnection points between...

IAEA Mission Says Italy Committed to Nuclear Oversight; Needs to Further Develop Policies on Decommissioning and Waste Management

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of safety experts said Italy is committed to effective nuclear regulatory oversight but faces challenges related to resources and needs to further develop policies for...

Paris Climate Agreement Moves Closer to Entry into Force in 2016 as 60 Countries Accounting for 48% of Emissions Have Joined

The Paris Agreement on climate change moved closer towards entering into force in 2016 as 31 more countries joined the agreement today at a special event hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban...