Tag: greenhouse gases (GHGs)

This Is How CO2 Can Be Transformed Into Food for Animals

A British biotechnology start-up is converting industrial greenhouses gases into protein for animal fodder. The company uses a process it says can help to feed the world’s growing population while simultaneously being...

Digitalization of Cities and Buildings Will Contribute to Resolving of the Climate Change Problem

We cannot solve the climate change problem without the transformation of cities and buildings.Up to 70 per cent of the global emissions of greenhouse gases come from cities, while the share of...

JAN LUNDIN: Substantial Level of Economic Development is the Key to Greater Ecomobility

The Kingdom of Sweden has built up a great reputation in the world as a country that pays considerable attention to the preservation of the environment. Innovative and quality solutions for environmental...

Alstom and Carbone 4 measured the carbon footprint of the tramway versus Bus Rapid Transit systems

Alstom and Carbone 4, a leading consulting company specialized in climate-resilient and low-carbon strategy presented recently the results of a study demonstrating that tramways have a smaller footprint than Bus Rapid Transit...

Methane Progress Should Guide Regulatory Approach

API Upstream Group Director Erik Milito discussed ongoing industry efforts to reduce methane emissions and the risk to emissions reductions progress posed by adding new layers of regulation during testimony this week...