Tag: greenhouse gas emissions

3 Cities Prove Climate Action Works

 The climate crisis is a problem caused by humans that can be solved by humans. These three cities are proving it. While a lot of media coverage around the crisis is doom and...

Eating Healthier Food Could Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Eating healthier food could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, suggests a new study. As it turns out, some relatively small diet tweaks could add up to significant inroads in addressing climate change. You are...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Biogas Cost Reductions to Boost Sustainable Transport

While most people will identify electric vehicles as a sustainable form of transport, particularly when paired with renewable electricity generation, biogas also holds great potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...

Are China’s Carbon Emissions About to Fall?

China is on track to record its fourth year in a row of flat or reduced greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new analysis by Greenpeace's East Asia office. The campaign group today...

The Cost of Climate INaction in the Agricultural Sector

This week key policymakers of the European Parliament discuss the EU’s largest climate instrument. Ahead of the debate, five organizations expose how a loophole in the law could significantly increase the costs...

‘Paris Agreement Not Enough’ to Prevent Catastrophic Coral Bleaching, Marine Biologists Warn

Current targets for reducing damaging greenhouse gas emissions are not enough to prevent catastrophic loss of the world’s coral reefs, marine biologists have warned. Rising sea surface temperatures are having a devastating effect...

Ikea Plans Mushroom-Based Packaging as Eco-Friendly Replacement for Polystyrene

Ikea plans to use packaging made with mushrooms as an eco-friendly replacement for polystyrene, the Swedish retail giant has revealed. The flat-pack furniture retailer is looking at using the biodegradable "fungi packaging" as...

Energy Positive: How Denmark’s Samsø Island Switched to Zero Carbon

Anyone doubting the potential of renewable energy need look no further than the Danish island of Samsø. The 4,000-inhabitant island nestled in the Kattegat Sea has been energy-positive for the past decade,...

Minister Tiilikainen: Finland to Achieve Carbon-Neutrality by 2045

Finland has every opportunity to serve as a model country in climate and energy policy, says Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen. Making use of the available and new solutions...

Singapore to Introduce Carbon Tax to Curb Emissions

Singapore is set to introduce South East Asia's first carbon tax in 2019 under plans revealed by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat yesterday. The scheme, which would see more than 30 of the...

Coal Collapse Pushes UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down Four Per Cent in 2015

UK greenhouse gas emissions fell nearly four per cent last year, continuing a long-running trend that has seen the country's emissions drop 38 per cent since 1990. The latest official statistical release from...

Melbourne Trams to Be Solar-Powered under Andrews Government Proposal

Building large-scale solar farms in northern Victoria part of plan to reduce state’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Melbourne’s tram network will become entirely solar-powered under a proposal by the Andrews...

EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

Essen is Europe’s 2017 Green Capital

The German city of Essen is Europe's "Green Capital" in 2017, a title awarded by the European Commission, for its success in transitioning from a heavily polluting mining center to a clean...