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Tag: greenhouse gas emissions
The Oceans Absorb Even More Heat Than We’ve Thought and That’s Bad News
Two thirds of the planet is covered in water and so no surprisingly oceans have an inordinate effect on the Earth’s climate. They absorb vast amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and...
‘Only 16 Countries’ Emissions Targets Match Their Paris Agreement Pledges’
A new study shows these nations’ domestic policies do not live up to their nationally determined contributions.Only 16 countries have domestic greenhouse gas reduction targets clearly matching their Paris Agreement commitments.That’s according to...
Global Resource Consumption ‘to Double by 2060’
By 2060, global consumption of raw resources is set to nearly double to 167 gigatonnes.That’s according to a new OECD report, which warns as the global economy expands, living standards rise and world...
Planting More Trees Won’t Be Enough to Save the Planet
One way of mitigating the adverse effects of man-made climate change is to plant trees. The more trees there are, the more CO2 they absorb from the atmosphere, thereby alleviating the greenhouse...
Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation
Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government's public procurement policy will be deforestation-free.Any product that contributes to deforestation will not be...
Cities Around the World Lay the Groundwork for a Zero-Waste Future
Cities around the world are pledging to reduce waste over the next 12 years in an effort to curb global warming and eventually become zero-waste cities. During the Global Climate Action Summit,...
50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies
The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...
Europe Officially Has More than One Million Electric Cars
More than a million electric cars can now be seen on the streets of Europe, thanks in part to a sales surge in the first half of 2018. Europe has reached this...
Air Pollution Shortens Human Life by One Year, on Average
In a summer marked by air quality alerts as wildfires rage in the western U.S., a study has been published finding that air pollution lowers the average lifespan by one year worldwide.The...
Recent Figures Reveal Spain’s Human Population Is Now Outnumbered by Pigs
Environmentalists are alarmed by recent data that reveals Spain’s pig population now outnumbers its human one by 3.5 million. This is the first time the number of pigs in Spain has exceeded...
19 Global Cities Commit to Make New Buildings Net-Zero by 2030
The world's most iconic skylines are going green. Nineteen city leaders from the C40 coalition signed the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration on Thursday to ensure all new buildings operate with a...
Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent
Scientists may need to more than double their assessment of how much carbon dioxide and methane thawing Arctic permafrost will release into the atmosphere this century, according to a study published this...
The Impact of Architecture on the Environment
In 1987, the World Commission on the Environment and Development defined sustainability as a process of meeting the present needs without compromising future generations and their needs. This definition can be expounded...
Summer Weather Is Getting ‘Stuck’ Due to Arctic Warming
Summer weather patterns are increasingly likely to stall in Europe, North America and parts of Asia, according to a new climate study that explains why Arctic warming is making heatwaves elsewhere more...
Brazil Meets a Major Emissions Goal Two Years Ahead of Schedule
Brazil has just announced that it has cut 2017 greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation to levels far below its 2020 goal. The country originally aimed to reduce emissions from this source by...
Domino-Effect of Climate Events Could Move Earth into a ‘Hothouse’ State
A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a “hothouse” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasingly futile,...