Tag: global warming

New NASA Study Solves Climate Mystery, Confirms Methane Spike Tied to Oil and Gas

Over the past few years, natural gas has become the primary fuel that America uses to generate electricity, displacing the long-time king of fossil fuels, coal. In 2019, more than a third...

Average Temperatures In Alaska In December Shatter Existing Record

Climate scientists have been warning us for decades that global warming will affect polar regions first. If that is so — assuming those scientists are not all being paid by the Chinese...

World’s Coral Reefs Reaching The Point Of No Return

The vast majority of the world’s coral reefs are now reaching the point of no return — the point at which it wouldn’t even theoretically be possible to save them from disappearing...

Oceans Losing Oxygen at Breathtaking Speeds

Ocean dead zones quadrupled in size since 1950, while low oxygen sites around the world increased tenfold, threatening large swaths of marine life, scientists warned in a study released on Friday. "Major extinction...

Huge China Reforestation Campaign Kicks Into High Gear

If you want a feel-good story about a country that takes climate change seriously and is willing to take significant steps to protect the environment, China is a good place to start....

2017 Second Hottest Year On Record, After Only 2016

2017 was the second hottest year on record with regard to global average temperatures — after only 2016 — according to a new report from the Europe-based Copernicus Climate Change Service. The high...

Worst Wildfire in California History Threatens State’s Climate Goals

As predicted, the Thomas Fire in Southern California was officially declared the largest wildfire in state history, surpassing the 2003 Cedar Fire which burned 273,246 acres and killed 15 people. The vast blaze,...

Microsoft “AI For Earth” Project Will Democratize Access To Climate Change Data

Information is power. Until recently, information about the condition of the earth’s environment has been accessible only to a limited number of people — climate scientists, researchers, and government officials among them....

Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...

‘My Priority’: Macron Promises to Use Nuclear and Renewables to Deliver Emissions Cuts

Fresh from the success of hosting the One Planet Summit in Paris last week, French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday underscored his commitment to decarbonising the country's energy system. In an interview with broadcaster...

Survey: Quarter of Brits More Worried About Climate Change in 2017

After a year which has seen the world hit by a series of devastating weather events and President Trump announce plans to pull out of the Paris Agreement, UK adults are now...

How Cities Can Meat the Climate Challenge

Addressing a crowd of mayors gathered in his hometown last week, former President Obama called on the "new faces of American leadership" on climate change to take swift action to spare our...

3 Extreme Weather Events in 2016 ‘Could Not Have Happened’ Without Climate Change, Scientists Say

Three of 2016's extreme weather events would have been impossible without human-caused climate change, according to new research. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society published a collection of papers Wednesday focused on...

Arctic Report Card 2017: Ice Cover Is Shrinking Faster Compared With Prior 1,500 Years

The 2017 Arctic Report Card reflects contributions from 85 scientists representing 12 countries. The pace of sea ice area (hereafter extent) decrease is unprecedented over the past 1,500 years, according to Emily...

Climate Change May Shift Wind Sources From North To South By End Of Century

By the end of this century, global climate change may impact the wind resources in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, decreasing hotspots in the North but increasing hotspots in the Southern...

World Temperatures To Rise By Up To 15% More By 2100 Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Earlier estimates may have understated the extent by which world temperatures will rise by 2100 by up to 15%, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. In other words, if...