Tag: Germany

Germany Installed the Most Wind Turbines in Europe in 2024

Over the past year, Germany reaffirmed its leading position in Europe by installing more wind turbines than any other country on the continent. According to data from WindEurope, new onshore and offshore...

Germany Acts to Ensure Level Playing Field and Data Security in Wind Energy

The German Economy and Energy Ministry issued a five-point Action Plan today to address current challenges to the European and German wind energy supply chain. The Action Plan recognises the need to...

Solar Parks Can Contribute to Nature Restoration in the EU

The association SolarPower Europe and the nature conservation organization The Nature Conservancy have released an important document highlighting the role of solar parks in combating climate change and restoring natural habitats. The new...

Automotive Industry at a Crossroads – Slovenia Prepares Necessary Measures

The significant changes, challenges, and ambitious goals in the automotive industry, which we recently wrote about, could lead to far-reaching consequences. The Slovenian Minister of Economy convened a meeting with representatives from...

In Germany, More Than 60 Percent of Electricity Comes from Renewable Energy Sources

In the first half of 2024, Germany produced and delivered 220 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to the grid, which is 5.3 percent less than in the first half of 2023, according to...

Rostock: Regional Development With Wind Energy

Wind energy brings jobs and value creation to deprived rural and coastal communities. Eastern Germany is a classic example of a region that has benefited. WindEurope saw this first hand on a...

German state approves gas drilling project in North Sea

The controversial extraction of natural gas in the North Sea near the German island of Borkum is moving closer to becoming a reality after a responsible authority gave its approval. The Office for...

Germany: As Solar Capacity Grows, Equipment Production Declines

Germany is making significant progress in developing renewable energy sources. The German Federal Statistical Office—Statistisches Bundesamt—confirmed this by providing data on solar energy capacity. As reported, in April 2024, about 3.4 million solar...

Latin America and the Caribbean Launch First Regional Eco-Labeling Programme

Regulatory, standardization, and accreditation bodies from Latin America and the Caribbean today announced the successful legal constitution of the Environmental Alliance of America, which hosts the first regional eco-labeling programme, representing a...

Where is Germany Today, One Year After Going Nuclear?

In April last year, Germany abandoned the use of nuclear power after shutting down its last three nuclear power plants. On the anniversary of stopping the use of this energy source, the Fraunhofer...

Wealthy Countries Have Learned Their Lesson – They Are Trying to Restore Their Estuaries

People have always inhabited the banks of rivers that are vital to our existence, but it seems that human intervention in the last three decades is slowly taking its toll. Experts from Inha...

German Onshore Wind Sees Record Auction Volumes, Permitting Improvements and Crucial New Port Investments

German onshore wind is going from strength to strength. In a blockbuster announcement the German Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) has just raised the onshore wind auction volumes for 2024 to almost...

Germany is Closing its Coal-Fired Power Plants

A complex story about the energy transition and the challenges that the global geopolitical situation brings with it is unfolding in a country that strives to be a leader in the fight...


Germany recognizes the need for renewable energy and has launched an ambitious plan called Fusion 2040 - Research on the Way to a Fusion Power Plant which goal is to finance and...


To meet the challenges of waste management and promote sustainability, Germany actively participates in the waste trade, both on the import and export side, to maximize the opportunities for recycling and reuse...


In 2023, Germany achieved more good results when it came to electricity production. According to the data collated by the Federal Statistical Office - Destatis, last year this country produced 11.8 percent...