Tag: floodplains

Many Obsolete Barriers Harm Europe’s Rivers

A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, looks at the issue of river barriers and their impact on ecosystems. The EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 aims to restore at least 25 000 km of free-flowing rivers...

Flash Flood Guidance System Saves Lives

Flash floods cause more than 5,000 deaths worldwide annually, exceeding any other flood-related event.  They have enough power to change the course of rivers, bury houses in mud, and sweep away or...

Pay More Attention to Forests to Avert Global Water Crisis, Researchers Urge

Australia's Murray Darling basin covers more than a million square kilometers (approximately 386,000 square miles), 14 percent of the country's landmass. It's the site of tens of thousands of wetlands, but increasing...