Tag: fast fashion


How does fast fashion affect global pollution, and why should you think twice before leaving the store with bags full of pieces you’ll only wear a couple of times? According to some...

Sustainability is in Fashion

The concept of fast fashion prevails in the fashion industry. Garments are mass produced, and from harmful materials, and in the process of their creation, many natural resources are consumed. When we...

In the Textile Industry, Old Is Increasingly Becoming New

A clothing company in the Philippines that uses scrap material to make shoes. A technology startup in Ireland that allows strangers to swap little-used clothes. And a fashion house in Brazil that produces zero waste and repurposes...

Social Enterprise Remakes Waste Into Consumer Goods

While working for the decades-old family fashion business, Sissi Chao had an experience that literally took her breath away.“Not long after I started, I started visiting our fabric suppliers,” said Chao. “I...

Christmas Jumpers Add to Plastic Pollution Crisis

Britons’ love of novelty Christmas jumpers is helping to fuel the world’s plastic pollution crisis, a report has warned.Whether emblazoned with flashing lights or alpine motifs, 12m jumpers are set to be...

‘Public Deluded About Amount They Need to Own and How Much They Waste’

The majority of people are deluded about the amount of possessions they need and the amount of waste they produce.That’s according to relocation firm Movinga, which surveyed 18,000 households across 20 countries...