Tag: Eurostat

How Global Tourism Can Be More Sustainable

One of the world’s biggest economic activities, tourism drives wealth, employment, and regional development. In 2018, international tourist arrivals reached 1.4 billion, while total export earnings from international tourism reached USD 1.7 trillion,...

EU Plastic Packaging Recycling Almost Doubled Since 2005

The recycling rate of plastic packaging in the EU stood at more than 42% in 2016, almost double the figure seen in 2005. That’s according to latest figures from Eurostat, which also reveal...

Renewables Generate 5% of Luxembourg’s Energy

Luxembourg’s has more than doubled the amount of renewable energy it generates since 2004, Eurostat figures show. The proportion generated rose from 2.8% to 6.2% in 2015. As a proportion of energy consumed,...

WindEurope Debuts Daily Wind Power Monitor

Wind energy delivered 9.9 per cent of Europe's power demand on Monday, providing enough electricity for 100 million EU households or 35 per cent of all industrial power demand. That update was provided...