Tag: Erik Solheim

Ozone Layer Finally Healing After Damage Caused by Aerosols, UN Says

The ozone layer is showing signs of continuing recovery from man-made damage and is likely to heal fully by 2060, new evidence shows.The measures taken to repair the damage will also have...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Canada to host World Environment Day in 2017

Canada last week demonstrated its commitment to environmental action as Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, and UN Environment chief Erik Solheim announced that Canada will host World Environment Day...

UN Environment Chief Discusses Lagoon Clean-up, Air Pollution, Wildlife Protection, and Marine Erosion with Côte d’Ivoire Prime Minister

Erik Solheim just concluded a two-day visit to Abidjan, a first for a Head of UN Environment in Côte d'Ivoire. The visit provided an opportunity to present the priorities of his mandate...

Norway and UN Environment Sign New Agreement for Enhanced Cooperation

UN Environment and the Norwegian Government signed a framework agreement for development cooperation yesterday that lays new ground for future collaboration in development and environmental sustainability. UN Environment and the Norwegian Government signed...