Tag: environmental sustainability

Vegan Leather Made From Mushrooms Could Mould the Future of Sustainable Fashion

Seven millennia since its invention, leather remains one of the most durable and versatile natural materials. However, some consumers question the ethical ramifications and environmental sustainability of wearing products sourced from animals.This shift in social standards is...

10 Things You Should Know About Industrial Farming

There was a time when industrial agriculture seemed to be a panacea for a fast-growing world.  Synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereal hybrids promised to reduce hunger, accommodate growing populations and...

ESCAP and IRENA Transitioning Asia-Pacific Region Towards Renewables Together

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will work together to improve access to sustainable energy, bolstering the Asia-Pacific...

Innovation Is the Future of Serbia

What are the strategically important scientific projects supported and financed by the state with the view to preserve the environment, how are the scientific community and the economy connected, how are our...

Metro Mayors Urged to Turn UK Cities Green

Across the UK yesterday voters go to the polls to elect the first six 'Metro Mayors' to take charge of some of the country's largest city regions. The Mayors, who together will create...

Public-Owned Australian Power Grid Could Solve Energy Issues, Paper Argues

Australia’s electricity woes could be solved through a unified and publicly owned national power grid, a discussion paper has said. The paper authored by University of Queensland economist Prof John Quiggin says the...

Active Competition Policy Key to Mexico’s Successful Energy Reform

Mexico embarked on an ambitious and comprehensive energy sector reform in recent years to harness market forces and attract new investments, moving away from its monopoly-driven system, and leading to increasing market...

The Changing Landscape of Energy Investment

As the global energy sector undergoes deep transformations, investment decisions are more important than ever. They play a critical role for energy security and environmental sustainability and will shape the energy landscape...

Calls for greater collaboration to enhance resource efficiency and economic growth

Scientists, industry-leaders and policy-makers gathered in Paris on saturday to discuss the economic potential of resource efficiency, as well as its role in limiting global warming and putting the world on a...

Norway and UN Environment Sign New Agreement for Enhanced Cooperation

UN Environment and the Norwegian Government signed a framework agreement for development cooperation yesterday that lays new ground for future collaboration in development and environmental sustainability. UN Environment and the Norwegian Government signed...