Tag: Environmental Protection Agency

Toward New Technologies and Investments

During the bygone summer, the team of Energy Portal visited the city of Pirot, the administrative centre of the district after which it got the name. Pirot district, which also includes municipalities...

A Moss Can Naturally Clean Harmful Arsenic From Water

If you happen to be thirsty in the woods, there are a lot of things you can stick in your canteen to help clean up your drinking water. There are chlorine pills...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Ozone Pollution Tied To Cardiovascular Disease

Ozone air pollution has now been directly tied to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which expands the list of health effects known to be caused by ozone exposure, and also lowers...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

Hanover Becomes First New Hampshire Town to Commit to 100% Renewables

The town of Hanover, New Hampshire voted Tuesday night to establish a goal of transitioning to 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2050. The article approved at Tuesday's town meeting sets...

Trump Administration Backs Off Plan to Scrub Climate Pages from EPA Website

The Trump administration on Wednesday backed away from plans to take down some climate-change information from the Environmental Protection Agency’s website, which employees said had been planned for this week. But political...

US Vehicle Emissions Hit Record Low as Fuel Economy Climbs to Record High

The transportation sector accounts for 26 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Recognizing the opportunity to reduce carbon pollution from vehicles to mitigate climate change, in 2012 the...

Landin, Schienebeck: Biomass Energy is Part of a Clean Energy Solution

Congress is about to make a decision that could have profound effects on the forests of Wisconsin and the future of American energy. They are considering if the United States should treat...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...