Tag: environmental protection

Waste as a Resource – the Path to Sustainable Energy in Serbia

Establishing a sustainable future requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach to addressing environmental challenges. Inadequate waste management harms the environment and contributes to the emission of harmful gases from unsanitary landfills and...

World Wildlife Day 2025: A Call for Sustainable Financing of Nature Conservation

The United Nations General Assembly declared March 3rd as World Wildlife Day (WWD) in 2013, as it marks the anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species...

The Development Agency of Serbia as a Driver of Sustainable Change

Global trends increasingly position sustainability as a key component of success, presenting significant challenges for entrepreneurs. The Development Agency of Serbia (RAS) recognizes the importance of sustainability in business operations and actively...

A Guardian Of the Environment From Ljusina

U nfortunately, natural resources are invaluable treasures that we often fail to appreciate. This is evident in the many illegal dumpsites and trash left behind by careless individuals. It’s not uncommon to...

Challenges in Implementing ESG Principles

In recent years, there has been increasing discussion about sustainable business practices and integrating ESG principles into the business models of entrepreneurs and companies. While awareness of the importance of sustainability is...

World Wetlands Day – Wetlands Are More Important Than We Think

World Wetlands Day is observed on February 2, marking the anniversary of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, signed in 1971. Every year on this day, the importance of these ecosystems is highlighted....

Supporting the Development of Sustainable Solutions

The fight to preserve nature demonstrates that true success requires dedication, courage, innovation, and, above all, collective action, as these challenges surpass the capabilities of individuals or single nations. In a world...

Universal USB-C Chargers Reduce Electronic Waste in the EU

In October 2022, the Council of the European Union approved the EU Common Charger Directive. Following this decision, a transitional period was introduced, allowing manufacturers to adjust their designs. Two days ago, the...

Green Financing: Erste Bank as a Leader in Sustainable Investments and Energy Efficiency Support

By investing in more than 70 green projects so far, Erste Bank has significantly contributed to the reduction of harmful gas emissions, the increase of electricity production from renewable sources and the...

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia, with Support from the EBRD, Publishes an Investor Guide – Serbia Could Soon Reach 1 GW of Renewable Energy...

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) , supported by the EBRD, announces the publication of an investor guide titled "RES Serbia Guidebook for Investors in Renewables in Serbia". This guide was developed with technical...

Vienna on the Path to Climate Neutrality

Climate change indeed requires a collective effort, and we all have a role to play in reducing our impact on the environment. Vienna is one of the leading European cities in environmental...

The United Kingdom Invests Billions in Carbon Capture Projects – Divided Reactions Emerge

The UK government has announced investments of nearly £22 billion to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects aimed at reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from industrial sources, supporting economic growth, and...

White Paper Presented in Serbia That Could Make the Waste Management System More Sustainable

The recently presented White Paper on Waste-to-Energy in Serbia aims to provide a clear and reliable insight into all aspects of waste incineration and to address many of the questions that this...

Can EU Mining Waste Regulations Address the Challenges of Increased Mining?

In an effort to reduce its reliance on the import of critical raw materials, which are essential for various industries, including technology, energy, and automotive, Europe plans to increase mining in the...

Encouraging Competitiveness in Buying and Selling Electricity

As an energy entity responsible for organizing and managing the electricity market in Montenegro, the Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator (COTEE) continuously works to improve this segment while following trends and changes in...

Is There Global Solidarity on the Issue of Climate Change – What Does the Survey Say?

The tensions and conflicts that are happening at the moment, as well as in recent years, lead to the opinion that division and intolerance at the global level are very pronounced. While...