Tag: environment

“Energy Efficiency Movement” Ticket to the Success Club

When electricity prices are reaching their historic highs and the climate crisis is triggering the closure of fossil fuel power plants, it is the right time to think about how we can...

How Can A Life-Cycle Approach Curb The Plastic Pollution Crisis?

At the recent United Nations Ocean Conference, another 22 governments agreed to join the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, which unites stakeholders around the goal of transitioning towards a circular economy for...

Natural History Centre Opened In Ovcar Banja

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic opened, together with Minister of Environmental Protection Irena Vujovic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic and Mayor of Cacak Milun Todorovic the Natural History Centre in...

Environmental Concerns Increase With Decision on Lifetime Extension of Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5

On 24 March, the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina endorsed conclusions to cancel the application of the opt-out regime of the Large Combustion Plants...

Green Cooling – Tackling Climate Change With Eco-Friendly Technology

Natural refrigerants protect the environment and the climate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, they are replacing existing products that harm the climate.With ever longer cold chains, the global movement of goods...

Renewables and Green Gas: The Only Viable Antidote to High Fossil Fuel Prices

Outdated perceptions of the costs of clean energy remain a major barrier to the energy transition. Despite the dramatic fall in prices across these technologies, the dialogue surrounding 'cheap' fossil fuels and...

The World Must Unite in a War Against Plastic

Reducing plastic use seems like one of the easiest environmental actions people can take. We re-use bags, put takeout coffee in our own mugs or recycle our plastic bottles, and feel good...

How People Power Helped Saved the Argentine Sea From Oil Companies

Greenpeace Argentina had started the year with bad news: the Argentine State had divided up the Argentine Sea in favour of the interests of the oil industry by approving the project of...

Why is Greenpeace Talking About Taxing the Super Rich?

Why is Greenpeace, an environmental organisation, talking about taxing the super rich? International Director Jennifer Morgan weighs in on global calls for governments to fight inequality and hold the world’s wealthiest accountable. 2021...

A Healthy Environment as a Human Right in Coastal East Africa

In October 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council recognized that having a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right. So what does this mean in practice - especially in...

This is what illegal mining in the Amazon looks like

Illegal mining in the Amazon – a threat to local communities’ health and livelihoods – continues to advance in the region. Last week, rumours that gold was found in the Madeira River,...

Annual Implementation Report 2021: Modest Reform Gains as Energy Community Embarks on the Energy Transition

The Energy Community Secretariat’s Report published today reveals that the Energy Community Contracting Parties have made progress in reforming their energy and climate sectors. In fact, the average implementation score increased from...

Homemade Biodegradable Cigarette Filter as a Solution to the Global Problem

There is an expression “the children of today are the adults of tomorrow,” and the tricky students of the High School Dušan Trivunac Dragoš from Svrljig, happen to prove it is not...

CEB and Slovenia’s SID Banka discuss a new loan for infrastructure, energy efficiency and environment

The Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), Rolf Wenzel, and Vice-Governor Tomáš Boček today met with representatives of the Slovene Export and Development Bank (SID Banka) to finalise a...

Landmark UN Resolution Confirms Healthy Environment is a Human Right

Nemonte Nenquimo, a member of the Waorani indigenous community in Ecuador says she is of “warrior blood." Her weapon of choice has been an unusual one: the lawsuit. In 2019, under Nenquimo’s leadership,...

The Myth That EVs Aren’t Cost Competitive Is Highly Misleading, & Harmful

The New York Times has published an article stating that EVs aren’t for everyone unless they get cheaper, but the outlet seems to be missing the story. They are already much cheaper than...