Tag: ecosystem

2021: it’s Now or Never for Mediterranean Wetlands

It’s World Wetlands Day on 2 February – and there has never been a more important time for us to take stock of what’s being celebrated and why. That’s because the future...

Glacier Collapse in India a Worrying Sign of What’s to Come

A deadly flood in northern India, sparked by a cratering glacier, was not an isolated incident but the result of a rapidly warming planet, say experts. They warn the disaster, which has...

Got Climate Change? Kelp Can Help

Kelp, which most of us refer to as seaweed, may be an important tool in the quest to limit the effects of a warming planet. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into...

Jamaica: Plastics Ban Creates New Opportunities

Every September, on International Coastal Cleanup Day in Jamaica, plastic is the most collected material. In 2019, the top 10 items collected were all single-use plastic and polystyrene (foam) waste, anything from...

Scotland Plans To Protect 30 percent Of Its Land To Boost Biodiversity

Scotland is famous for whiskey, haggis and stunning scenery; rolling hills, snow-capped mountains and more than 30,000 freshwater lochs. It is also home to around 90,000 species of animals, microbes and plants. Now,...

Mountain People Among the World’s Hungriest as Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Take their Toll

Mountains host about half of the global biodiversity hotspots and are home to a growing number of the world's hungriest people, according to a new study launched by the Food and Agriculture...

African Ministers of the Environment Commit to Support a Green COVID-19 Recovery Plan

Ministers of Environment across the continent of Africa have agreed to support a comprehensive green recovery plan to boost economies and social systems aimed at building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. In...

Soil Pollution a Risk to Our Health and Food Security

Each year, the world marks World Soil Day on 5 December to raise awareness about the growing challenges in soil management and soil biodiversity loss, and encourage governments, communities and individuals around...

Four Lessons From Nature to Build a Circular Economy

The circular economy is one of the few disruptive concepts with universal appeal - with business leaders, investors, activists, economists and environmentalists. While gaining in popularity, the concepts of circularity have been...

Digital Hub Designed to Protect Coral Reefs Shortlisted for Global Award

A new digital platform to help dive professionals protect fragile coral reefs has been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2020 Con X Tech Prize, an award that provides seed funding to...

Humans Destroyed an Ecosystem the Size of Mexico in just 13 years

Between 2000 and 2013, Earth lost an area of undisturbed ecosystems roughly the size of Mexico. That's the mind-melting finding of a new study published in One Earth and the researchers say it...

Mangrove Conservation More Valuable Than Ever Thanks to Carbon Trading

When a proven ecosystem restoration method also helps reduce poverty and build economic resilience, governments will often back them as a win-win solution. The UN Environment Programme, the Kenya Forest Service, the Kenya...

A Pretty Stream in Belgium Is so Polluted Its Water Could Be Used as Pesticide

The idyllic stream that meanders through the Flemish countryside has been called the most polluted stream in Europe.When you think of a polluted waterway, what do you envision? For me, a dark,...

Wolves ‘Established’ in Netherlands for First Time in 140 Years

For the first time in 140 years, wolves have an official home in the Netherlands. Ecologists told BBC Radio 4 that a female wolf they had been tracking had stayed in the country...

We Are Eating Large Wild Animals into Extinction

Much of the planet’s megafauna is being driven extinct because of the usual causes: habitat loss and rampant poaching for body parts like horns, bones and tusks.But there is another reason large...

Microplastics Found in Every Marine Mammal Surveyed in UK Study

Microplastics are being widely ingested by Britain’s marine mammals, scientists say, with samples found in every animal examined in a study.The research on 50 stranded creatures including porpoises, dolphins, grey seals and...