Tag: diesel vehicles

German Court Orders Diesel Ban in Bid Tackle Air Pollution

A judge in the German city of Stuttgart has ordered the most polluting diesel cars be banned from entering the city from January 2018 in a bid to curb illegal levels of...

Sadiq Khan: Gove Must Get a Grip on ‘Life and Death’ Air Pollution Crisis

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has requested an urgent meeting with the new environment secretary, Michael Gove, to urge him to get a grip on Britain's "life and death" air pollution...

38,000 People a Year Die Early Because of Diesel Emissions Testing Failures

The global human health impact of the diesel emissions scandal has been revealed by new research showing a minimum of 38,000 people a year die early due to the failure of diesel...

Reports: Diesel Drivers Could Face Pollution Charge in 35 English Towns and Cities

Diesel cars, coaches, trucks and vans could reportedly face additional charges of up to £20 to travel through town and city centres across England under new air pollution measures drawn up by...

UK Car Industry Warns ‘Anti-Diesel Agenda’ Harming CO2 Reduction Progress

Average new car CO2 emissions fell to an all-time low for the 19th consecutive year in 2016 thanks to billions of pounds of investment in advanced engine, fuel and battery technology and...

London is Charging Old, Polluting Vehicles a £10 Fine to Drive in the City

A new law will charge old, polluting cars a £10 fee to drive in central London. London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said that the “T-charge” will help quell the massive amounts of pollution...

65 Per Cent of British Public Support New Clean Air Act, Says Survey

More than half of the British public believe air pollution levels across the UK are damaging to their health and almost two-thirds back proposals for new laws to tackle the issue, according...

Oslo Temporarily Bans Diesel Cars to Combat Pollution

Oslo will ban diesel cars from the road for at least two days this week to combat rising air pollution, angering some motorists after they were urged to buy diesel cars a...

Paris Vehicle Pollution Sticker Scheme Comes into Force

Drivers in Paris must display an anti-pollution sticker in their vehicles or face fines in the latest attempt by the French authorities to improve air quality. The sticker scheme, which became mandatory on...

France to Require ‘Clean Stickers’ on Vehicles in High Pollution Areas

French motorists in high pollution areas will be required to display a “clean sticker” on their vehicle from January to combat pollution that has created a cloud of noxious smog in Paris...

London Mayor To Double Funding To Tackle Air Pollution

Campaigners, health charities and neighbourhood groups have welcomed plans by the London mayor, Sadiq Khan, to more than double funding to clean up the capital’s dirty air. London is one of the most...

Make Central London Diesel-Free to Solve Air Pollution Crisis – Report

Ridding inner London of virtually all diesel vehicles would solve the capital’s air pollution crisis, according to research published as the high court is due to rule on the government’s air quality...