Tag: CO2 emissions

IKEA UK Reveals Sustainable Product Sales Surge

IKEA has achieved zero waste status across its UK and Ireland operations alongside strong sales growth for its 'sustainable life at home products', according to its sustainability report for 2016. Published today, the...

World’s Tallest Solar Tower Could Help Make Israel a ‘Sunshine Superpower’

Construction of the world's tallest solar tower is underway. The 820-foot tower, which stands in the middle of a 121-megawatt concentrated solar complex in Israel's sun-drenched Negev desert, is slated for commercial...

Renewables Produce More than Half of Denmark’s Electricity

While Donald Trump makes fossil fuels great again, Denmark has declared its independence from oil, coal and gas. The small Scandinavian nation intends to reach 100 percent renewable electricity by 2035 and...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

Jordan Powers Up Giant Solar Plant, As Enerray Seeks To Unlock Region’s ‘Huge Potential’

A 23.1MW solar plant covering a surface area of half a million square metres has been connected to Jordan's national grid, the developers of the project have announced. Led by Saudi renewable energy...

Siemens Cuts CO2 Emissions by 20 Percent

One year after the launch of its decarbonization program, Siemens is already making significant advances in reducing its carbon footprint. The company was able to cut its CO2 emissions from 2.2 million...

Clean Energy for All Europeans – unlocking Europe’s growth potential

The European Commission today presents a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing the global energy markets. The Commission wants the EU to lead...

Alstom and Carbone 4 measured the carbon footprint of the tramway versus Bus Rapid Transit systems

Alstom and Carbone 4, a leading consulting company specialized in climate-resilient and low-carbon strategy presented recently the results of a study demonstrating that tramways have a smaller footprint than Bus Rapid Transit...

German Coalition Agrees to Cut Carbon Emissions up to 95% by 2050

Germany’s coalition government has reached an agreement on a climate change action plan which involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95% by 2050, a spokesperson said on Friday. The plan, which...

Living Microalgae Lamp Absorbs CO2 from the Air

French biochemist Pierre Calleja has designed a fascinating eco-friendly lamp that could light up streets and parking garages while cutting CO2 emissions. It runs completely free of electricity, powered solely by a...

Landin, Schienebeck: Biomass Energy is Part of a Clean Energy Solution

Congress is about to make a decision that could have profound effects on the forests of Wisconsin and the future of American energy. They are considering if the United States should treat...

Climate-Friendly Transport in Chinese Cities

Traffic in China’s cities is steadily increasing. GIZ is advising the country on how to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and make the transport sector more climate friendly. Climate change mitigation is a major...

Lithuania to Generate up to EUR 500 Million for Energy Efficiency with EIB

European Investment Bank (EIB) to attract private finance into residential energy efficiency modernisation via a guarantee scheme funded by the Lithuanian Government. The Lithuanian Leveraged Fund, a guarantee scheme funded with EUR 100...

Electric Vehicles Will Help the Shift Toward EU’s Green Transport Future

A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA)...

Planes Need to Stop Existing in a Parallel Universe when it Comes to the Climate Fight

Curbing flight emissions is essential to meeting the Paris pact, but planes are completely absent from the text, face no legal fuel efficiency requirements or limits on CO2 emissions. But all that...

Insights from Higher Wind and Solar Generation in Eastern Grid, USA

A new study from the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) used high-performance computing capabilities and innovative visualization tools to model, in unprecedented detail, how the power...