Tag: climate change

The World’s First Floating Wind Turbine is in Norway

Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world when it comes to renewable energy sources, the use of oil resources and the profits that the state has of these...

Molecular Signature Shows Plants Are Adapting to Iincreasing Atmospheric CO2

The research, published in the journal Global Change Biology, provides insight into the long-term impacts of rising CO2 and the implications for global food security and nature conservation. Lead author Professor Gail Taylor,...

Radiography of Drought Periods in Spain from the last 318 years

The Mediterranean Basin has been witness to increased droughts for at least five decades, but has this always been the case? A research team has been successful in reconstructing, for the first...

Clean air takes centre stage at Sarajevo Film Festival

Second annual Enviro Day sees the UN Environment Programme and Sarajevo Film Festival join forces to raise awareness of the importance of clean air in Bosnia and Herzegovina - home to some...

Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

Kenya to Install 23 Solar Mini-Grids to Power Remote North

The Kenya government, with the support of a 33-million-euro credit from the French government, plans to install 23 solar mini-grid power stations with the capacity to produce 9.6 MW of power to...

World’s Largest Development Banks Raise $81Bln to Tackle Climate Change

Six of the world’s largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) rounded up $81 billion last year to finance climate change action, their joint report released Tuesday showed. "In 2015, the MDBs collectively committed more...

UK’s Carbon Footprint Rises 3%

The “carbon footprint” for the pollution caused by UK consumption has increased slightly, official figures show. The amount of greenhouse gases linked to goods and services consumed by UK households, including emissions from...

Scientists Turn CO2 Into Fuel With Solar Power

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago believe that they've perfected the art of photosynthetic solar cells. It's a technology that mimics a plant's ability to inhale carbon dioxide and, with...

Addressing Climate Change with Low-Carbon Energy Centers

Last autumn, as part of MIT’s Plan for Action on Climate Change, the Institute announced plans to create Low-Carbon Energy Centers to advance key technologies that will address climate change. Since then,...

Record 46% of UK’s Electricity Generated by Clean Energy Sources in 2015

Almost half the UK’s electricity came from clean energy sources such as wind and nuclear power last year, official figures have revealed. Renewables accounted for a quarter of the country’s power supplies in...

New Coal Technologies Spell Disaster for Climate

"Fuelling the Fire": The chequered history of Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemicals around the world" is a new report that sets out the dangers that Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemical...

Good Emissions Trading Programs are Unique, Not One-Size-Fits-All

Climate change is a global problem — but its solution relies on national, regional, and local policy actions. Take the issue of greenhouse gas emissions markets, which put a price on, say,...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...

Indigenous Peoples Central to Efforts to Combat Climate Change

Governments must do much more to provide the enabling conditions required for indigenous peoples, local communities, smallholders and their organizations to restore degraded landscapes and achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation in...

Green Finance is Key to Resolving Climate Change

Climate change is not just an environmental challenge — it is a fundamental threat to development in our lifetime. Without immediate action targeted at emissions reductions by the international community, climate change could result...