Tag: climate change

Obama Gives Half A Billion Dollars To UN Climate Fund

Barack Obama has transferred half a billion dollars to the UN’s Green Climate Fund, just three days before Donald Trump’s inauguration.The president-elect has promised to stop all payments to UN global warming programmes.But...

WMO Confirms 2016 as Hottest Year on Record, about 1.1°C above Pre-Industrial Era

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) yesterday announced that the year 2016 has been the hottest year on record, surpassing the exceptionally high temperatures of 2015, according to a consolidated analysis. The globally averaged...

Australian Minister Says Coal Power can Help Reduce CO2 Emissions

Don’t throw out your climate science books just yet, folks. Australian resources minister Matt Canavan recently said burning a certain kind of coal could help the country slash its overall carbon emissions....

France’s Energy Transition Is Vital for Energy Security, According to Latest IEA Review

The International Energy Agency (IEA) praised France for setting in motion significant reforms towards more secure, affordable and sustainable energy supplies and the green growth of its economy. Over the past ten years...

The World Economic Forum Focus on Climate Change

The World Economic Forum is devoting 15 sessions of its 2017 annual meeting to climate change, and nine more to clean energy - the most ever on the issues. It reflects how much...

Climate Change: 90% of Rural Australians Say their Lives are Already Affected

Ninety per cent of people living in rural and regional Australia believe they are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and 46% believe coal-fired power stations should be phased out, according...

GIZ in Germany Is Climate Nutral

For the first time, the greenhouse gas emissions of the company’s operations in Germany have been offset through a GIZ self-initiated climate change mitigation project. As a federally-owned enterprise and service provider for...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Four US Cities Urge Carmakers to Boost Electric Vehicle Production

City mayors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle have released a joint request for US carmakers to step up EV production in order to meet growing demand for electric vehicles...

Strengthen Cooperation on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN Environment Deputy Executive Director, Ibrahim Thiaw and the Secretary-General of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, Patrick I. Gomes signed recently, in the margins of the joint ACP-EU...

Major Flooding in the UK now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on the impacts of...

Norway’s Biggest Oil Company to Build Huge Offshore Wind Farm Off Coast of New York

If everything goes to plan, New York City and Long Island will be harnessing the Atlantic Ocean's strong and dependable winds as a source of renewable energy. Norway's biggest oil company will be...

UK Hits Clean Energy Milestone: 50% of Electricity from Low Carbon Sources

Half of the UK’s electricity came from wind turbines, solar panels, wood burning and nuclear reactors between July and September, in a milestone first. Official figures published on Thursday show low carbon power,...

Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Obama uses law that allows presidents to block sale of new offshore drilling and mining rights and makes it difficult for their successors to reverse decision. Barack Obama has permanently banned new oil...

ISWA World Congress 2017: Call for Speakers

Next year ISWA heads to Baltimore, Maryland, USA, for the 2017 World Congress from 25th to 27th September. The overall theme of the congress "No Time to Waste" will cover a number...

It’s Official: Solar Is Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of New Electricity

For the first time, solar power is becoming the cheapest form of electricity production in the world, according to new statistics from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released Thursday. While unsubsidized solar has...