Tag: climate action

Two Trees for Every Child – Love That Grows in Nature

The energy brought by the birth of a pure love has the power to spread miles away. For every love that begins to grow through the birth or adoption of a child...

EU and SDGs: How has the EU Performed?

Eurostat released the publication ‘Sustainable development in the European Union - monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - 2024 edition’. This publication provides readers with a statistical...

UNESCO Launches New Initiatives for “Greening Education”

On World Environment Day, UNESCO unveils new tools for greening schools and curricula, highlighting the need to empower young people to play a concrete role in tackling the climate crisis. Greening schools and...

Young People Call for Intergenerational Solidarity on the Climate Crisis

Young people bear a disproportionate burden of the environmental crises the world faces today, which will impact their future. Research shows that many young people feel frustrated and unheard, creating a sense...

Berlin Pushes For a 60 Euros Minimum Price on EU Carbon Markets

Discounting allegations of speculation on the EU carbon market, Berlin is throwing its weight behind a minimum price of 60 euros per ton of CO2, saying it will ensure this through national...

Global energy efficiency progress is recovering – but not quickly enough to meet international climate goals

A rapid expansion of technologies and solutions that drive more efficient use of energy across the economy is necessary to keep global climate pledges within reach, according to a new IEA report,...

Tourism Stakeholders Invited to Share Progress on Climate Action

UNWTO is inviting public and private stakeholders from around the world to take part in a Global Survey of Climate Action in Tourism and help identify frontrunning initiatives and opportunities to accelerate...

Why the EU’s Proposed Carbon Border Must not be Used to Launch a Carbon Club

Fuelled by frustration over the perceived insufficient progress on climate action among many of the world’s major economies, the idea of a so-called carbon club is gaining considerable momentum. Prime Minister Boris...

Costa Rica Will Invest 54 Million Dollars in Climate Action Thanks to the Conservation of its Forests

Thanks to the conservation of its forests, Costa Rica will invest 54 million dollars over the next five years from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which last November recognized 14,7 million metric...

World Set to Miss Environment-Related Sustainable Development Goals – UN report

Despite progress in key environmental areas such as clean water, sanitation, clean energy, forest management and waste, countries are still living unsustainably and are on course to miss the environmental dimensions of...

Secretary-General Welcomes Us Return to Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Following the inauguration of United States President Joe Biden on Wednesday, the UN Secretary-General said he looks forward to an era of new leadership towards accelerating climate action, with the US back...

Cities – Where the Fight for a Green Recovery Will Be Won or Lost

Cities are home to 55 per cent of the world’s population, all jammed together cheek-by-jowl. Little wonder, then, that cities are being hit hardest by COVID-19: an estimated 90 per cent of...

Kigali Amendment Hits Milestone 100th Ratification, Boosting Climate Action

The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to cut the use of climate-warming hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), has reached a major milestone, with Liberia becoming the 100th nation to ratify the...

For People on the Front Lines of Climate Change, COVID-19 Is a New Challenge

Sababil Al-Haj Hussain lives in the Sudanese locality of Al Rahad, which sits in the middle of a semi-arid ribbon of land known as the Sahel.Life there has long been challenging. The...

New Dates Agreed for COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference

The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), with the UK and its Italian partners, agreed yesterday new dates for the COP26...

Why Earth Day 2020 Is More Important Than Ever?

22 April is Earth Day. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent...