Tag: cattle

Nature Loss Threatens Global Economy

The ongoing loss of natural spaces, including forests, has become a systemic risk for the global economy, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and several partners. Over the...

‘Most Realistic’ Plant-Based Steak Revealed

The “most realistic” plant-based steak to date has been revealed, mimicking the texture and appearance of a real cut of meat.The fake steak’s ingredients include pea, seaweed and beetroot juice, which are...

Amazon Rainforest Fires: Global Leaders Urged to Divert Brazil from ‘Suicide’ Path

International pressure may be the only way to stop the Brazilian government from taking a “suicide” path in the Amazon, one of the country’s most respected scientists has said, as the world’s...

We Must Change Food Production to Save the World, Says Leaked Report

Attempts to solve the climate crisis by cutting carbon emissions from only cars, factories and power plants are doomed to failure, scientists will warn this week.A leaked draft of a report on...

Let Nature Heal Climate and Biodiversity Crises, Say Campaigners

The restoration of natural forests and coasts can simultaneously tackle climate change and the annihilation of wildlife but is being worryingly overlooked, an international group of campaigners have said.Animal populations have fallen...

Growing Meat in the Lab Isn’t Such a Good Idea – Yet

People love meat. The trouble is that meat production, especially red meat production, is a major driver of climate change and environmental destruction. Red meat requires 28 times more land to produce...

Sharp Rise in Methane Levels Threatens World Climate Targets

Dramatic rises in atmospheric methane are threatening to derail plans to hold global temperature rises to 2C, scientists have warned.In a paper published this month by the American Geophysical Union, researchers say...

Beef-Eating ‘Must Fall Drastically’ as World Population Grows

People in rich nations will have to make big cuts to the amount of beef and lamb they eat if the world is to be able to feed 10 billion people, according...

Asia’s Growing Appetite for Meat Is Causing Problems for the Environment

Asia's growing appetite for meat and seafood over the next three decades will cause huge increases in greenhouse gas emissions and antibiotics used in foods, researchers said on Tuesday. Rising population, incomes and...

One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...