Tag: Cape Town

Extreme Water Stress Affects a Quarter of the World’s Population, Say Experts

A quarter of the world’s population across 17 countries are living in regions of extremely high water stress, a measure of the level of competition over water resources, a new report reveals.Experts...

Just 7% of Cities Score ‘A’-Grade on Going Green

A total of 43 cities have scored an ‘A’ rating in a new climate-action ranking published by CDP.This means around only 7% of the 596 cities assessed scored top marks based on...

Car-Free Sundays Are the Norm in Colombia’s Capital City, Bogotá

Imagine your city without cars — every single Sunday. At first, you might be frustrated by the inconvenience and inability to complete errands, but once you embrace the throngs of bikes, recognize...

World Peace Requires Access to Safe Water

In drought-ravaged East Africa, the cracks in the plains echo the fault lines splitting tribes. Across the globe, the devastation of deadly brawls is being exacerbated by tensions over access to water. Water...

12 Global Cities Commit to Create Green and Healthy Streets By 2030

On Monday, the mayors of London, Paris, Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Quito, Vancouver, Mexico City, Milan, Seattle, Auckland and Cape Town committed to a series of ambitious targets to make their cities...