Tag: Belarus

Energy Community Summer School: Applications for 2022 now open!

The Energy Community Secretariat is pleased to launch the call for applications for the 2022 Energy Community Summer School. The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for up to 48 postgraduate students...

EU Supports the Clean Energy Transition in Eastern Partnership Countries

The European Commission and its partners, the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), are working to foster the low carbon and...

Protecting Fragile Marine Ecosystems

This year’s World Environment Day, officially celebrated on 5 June, focuses on ecosystem restoration, an important aspect of a healthy world. The EBRD’s work with the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) shows...

Chernobyl: The Next Phase

At 01:23:40 on 26 April 1986, the failure of a routine test at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, caused reactor 4 to explode, releasing...

Significant Progress in Expanding Protected Nature Sites in Eastern Europe

The EEA’s briefing 'Protected areas in the Eastern Partnership countries' found that between 2000 and 2019 coverage of nationally protected areas were expanded in all six partnership countries which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,...

There Will Be 9.7 Billion on Earth by 2050, but the Growth Rate Is Slowing

“The World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights”, estimates that the next 30 years will see the global population add an extra 2 billion people to today’s figure of 7.7 billion, and, by the...

Paris Climate Agreement Moves Closer to Entry into Force in 2016 as 60 Countries Accounting for 48% of Emissions Have Joined

The Paris Agreement on climate change moved closer towards entering into force in 2016 as 31 more countries joined the agreement today at a special event hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban...

UNIDO Holds Regional Event in Moscow on Mitigation of Global Environmental Issues

MOSCOW – Over 60 national and international experts from ministries, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector and international organizations attended a two-day workshop last Friday and Saturday organized by the United...

OSCE Promotes Green Technologies Transfer in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 14 September 2016 – Promoting the Green Bridge Partnership Initiative (GBPI) with a focus on exchange of green technologies and improved co-operation is the topic of a two-day OSCE-supported international conference...