Tag: bears

Polar Bears Could Be Nearly Gone by 2100, Study Finds

A new study has found that polar bears could be gone by 2100 unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. Rising global temperatures, due to carbon emissions, have caused large amounts of...

New Bear on the Block: Grizzlies Spotted in Black and Polar Bear Habitats

For the first time, scientists have observed three American bear species—the black bear, polar bear and grizzly bear—using the same habitat in Canada's Wapusk National Park."Scientifically, it has never been documented anywhere," Doug...

Chernobyl Goes Solar

Chernobyl in Ukraine is infamous for having been the site of a nuclear disaster in what was then the Soviet Union. For the past 30-odd years, since the catastrophic meltdown at the...

Judge Stops Bear Hunt and Returns Yellowstone Grizzlies to the Endangered List

The hunt for grizzlies in Yellowstone National Park is officially over. This week, a judge ordered that all grizzly bears living in or near the park to be put back on the...

Illegal Online Sales of Endangered Wildlife Rife in Europe

The online sale of endangered and threatened wildlife is rife across Europe, a new investigation has revealed, ranging from live cheetahs, orangutans and bears to ivory, polar bear skins and many live...