Tag: auctions

Turkish RES Auctions: Large Projects Face Challenges, but the Solution Lies in Reforms

In 2016, Turkey launched auctions for Renewable Energy Resource Zones (YEKA) to develop large-scale solar and wind projects while simplifying land allocation and promoting domestic production of renewable energy equipment. Although the...

Serbia: Second Round of Auctions for Renewable Energy Market Premiums Begins

The second round of auctions for the allocation of market premiums for renewable energy sources in Serbia, where investors will compete for a total quota of 424.8 MW, has been officially announced. The...

New Auction Regulations – Greater Opportunities for Wind and Solar

The Government of Serbia has adopted three key regulations that pave the way for the second round of market premium auctions for wind and solar power plants, with significantly lower maximum prices...

Montenegro Adopts Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources

Montenegro has adopted the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources, marking a significant step towards improving the sustainability of its energy sector. This first such law in the country introduces...

Azerbaijan launches first renewables auction

The Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), has announced the country’s first renewable energy auction for a 100 megawatt solar power...

Montenegro Introduces Auctions for Renewable Energy Sources

Montenegro plans to increase the share of renewables in its energy mix with a comprehensive programme of renewable energy auctions that will bring private investment into the sector. The European Bank for Reconstruction...

Energy Knows No Boundaries

At the recently held conference of RES Serbia 2021, Viktor Andonov, Energy Advisor to the Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, was one of the most notable guests. According to him, such an...

Wind Auctions in Serbia – Final Chapter of the Regulatory Reform

In the second half of November, the authorities intensified their activities on finalization of the regulatory reform of the renewables sector in Serbia commenced in the beginning of the year with work...