Tag: Arctic

Greenland Ice Sheet Likely Contains High Levels Of Anthropogenic Pollutants

The Greenland ice sheet is likely to be heavily contaminated with various globally emitted pollutants — such as PCBs, mercury, lead, PAHs, etc. — according to new research published in the journal...

Vast Amounts Of Toxic Mercury Accumulating In Arctic, Global Industrial Emissions To Blame

Enormous quantities of toxic mercury are now accumulating in the Arctic tundra as a result of industrial activity and emissions in the temperate parts of the globe, according to a new study...

Arctic Climate Change Forces Cancellation Of Arctic Climate Change Study …

The first portion of the 2017 Hudson Bay System Study in the Arctic, part of the 2017 Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen Expedition, has been cancelled due to climate change–induced hazardous sea...

Extreme Arctic Melt Could Increase Sea Level Rise Twice as Fast as Previously Estimated

Extreme Arctic melt could increase global sea level rise twice as fast as previously estimated and cost the world economy between $7 trillion and $90 trillion by 2100, a new analysis shows. The...

NOAA Reports Disturbing New Global Temperature Record Set In March

A new global temperature mark has been set. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tracks global surface temperatures and categorizes them by the presence or absence of influence by an El Niño...

Russian President Vladimir Putin Says Humans Not Responsible for Climate Change

One day after visiting the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Arctic, Putin claimed that icebergs had been melting for decades and suggested that global warming was not mankind’s fault. “The warming, it...

Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about...

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap, Research Reveals

Climate change played a major role in the extreme air pollution events suffered recently by China and is likely to make such "airpocalypses" more common, new research has revealed. The fast-melting ice in...

NOAA: ‘Arctic Is Warming at Least Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Planet’

The Arctic broke multiple climate records and saw its highest temperatures ever recorded this year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) annual Arctic Report Card released Tuesday. The report shows...

‘Extraordinarily Hot’ Arctic Temperatures Alarm Scientists

The Arctic is experiencing extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next year, according...

World Could Warm 8 Degrees Celsius If All Fosil Fuel Reserves Burned

As nations meet in Bonn, Germany this week to hash out how to achieve the 2-degree Celsius goal they set in Paris, new research is providing policymakers a glimpse of what would...