Tag: Alcohol

World Failing to Provide Kids with a Healthy Life and a Climate Fit for Future

As climate and commercial threats intensify, WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission presses for radical rethink on child healthNo single country is adequately protecting children’s health, their environment and their futures, finds a landmark report released...

This Is Why Denmark, Sweden and Germany Are Considering a Meat Tax

Carnivores are in the firing line, with nations including Germany, Denmark and Sweden considering a tax on meat. Advocates of such a plan say the environmental impact, health ramifications and concerns about animal...

Driving Under the Influence? It is Possible in a Car Powered by Whisky Biofuel

Alcohol and automobiles famously do not mix - but one Scottish scientist has disproved that maxim by driving a car powered by biofuel derived from making whisky. Edinburgh-based Celtic Renewables has developed a...