Siemens implements grid application platform EnergyIP for the first time in Japan

Photo: Siemens

Working in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric, Siemens has implemented its grid application platform EnergyIP for the first time in Japan. The system is being deployed there as part of an upcoming smart-meter rollout to act as the central platform for the Meter Data Management (MDM) application at the electricity provider Shikoku Electric Power Company. This platform provides the foundation on which the data handling processes are to be consolidated, and the MDM application will collect and prepare electricity consumption data for onward processing.

The Japanese Electricity System Reform Act calls for work to begin in 2016. to replace all electromechanical power meters in Japan with smart meters that feature a communication function, and for replacement to be completed by 2024. The Japanese power provider Shikoku Electric plans to install and put into operation up to approximately three million smart meters. As an MDM application solution, Siemens’ grid application platform EnergyIP will collect record and process the consumption data of all these meters, and support the transmission of data to downstream business processes. “Modern smart meter infrastructures installed in Shikoku aim at meter reads of up to two times an hour instead of once a month. For utilities this means they need to process much more than thousands times the amount of data. EnergyIP is a solution which can satisfy this requirement,” said Thomas Zimmermann, CEO of the Digital Grid Business Unit of Siemens’ Energy Management Division.

In this smart metering project in Japan, the system integrator Mitsubishi Electric is using Siemens’ software to enable it to meet the requirements spelled out by Shikoku Electric by a joint solution with their BLEnDer metering system. Integration is accomplished by use of EnergyIP’s extensive open APIs and flexible extension points. In this model EnergyIP serves as the foundational data ingestion, processing, and supply platform while the BLEnDer metering system augments and extends EnergyIP to meet Japanese and utility requirements. “EnergyIP is used in 19 countries as a commercial of-the-shelf packaged software to correspond to the requirements for MDMS commonly needed in various countries.

Utilizing EnergyIP which conforms to international standards such as IEC and CIM, Mitsubishi Electric successfully developed applications unique to the Japanese market and integrated the system”, said Hiroto Honda, Country Division Lead of the Siemens K. K. Division Energy Management. “We are expecting further collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric in Japanese and global projects not only for electric power companies but also for gas and water companies where EnergyIP has vast track records in many countries.

Siemens will continue to contribute with expandable software such as SCADA systems conforming to global standards to the Japanese market.” EnergyIP is the grid application platform from Siemens that is simultaneously an application platform and development environment. Besides of the MDM application deployed in Japan for operating meter data management systems numerous further applications, e.g. for demand response management, analytics and virtual power plants can be incorporated.

Vesna Vukajlović


