Siemens Gamesa Awarded Service Agreement For UK’s 504 Megawatt Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Newly-formed Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has announced that it has been awarded an extension to its service agreement for the 504 megawatt Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm in the UK.

Service agreements may not be the sexiest renewable energy story when you can instead point to Tesla battery storage stories and mammoth offshore wind project announcements and completions, but they are nevertheless likely to be the most impactful renewable energy stories over the long-term. Big and small project announcements and completions will certainly continue to draw the attention of many, but it is the service agreements which will keep those projects running long after the thrill of multi-megawatt announcement stories has passed.

Announced last week, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy — the resulting company of a merger between Spanish wind energy giant Gamesa and Siemens wind energy division — revealed that it had been awarded an extension to its service agreement for the 504 MW Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm, located off the coast of Suffolk in England. The agreement has been extended by 5 years to continue operation and maintenance services through to 2022.

The extension to the Greater Gabbard service agreement is the latest of three service contract extensions recently awarded to Siemens Gamesa, in addition to two 10-year service agreement extensions for the London Array wind farm and the Lynn & Inner Dowsing wind farms. In total, Siemens Gamesa is now real-time monitoring in excess of 3,200 wind turbines across 128 onshore and offshore wind farms with a total output capacity of 9.5 gigawatts.

“We are very pleased that Siemens Gamesa has been selected again to provide service and maintenance services for the Greater Gabbard wind farm,” said Mark Albenze, CEO, Service, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. “This five-year extension underscores our commitment to providing customers with value-driven service plans targeted to their specific operational needs and complemented with our advanced digital services that help drive down the costs associated with wind energy. We thank GGOWL for their continued confidence in our products and services.”


