Director Kopač and Deputy Director Buschle held a working meeting with State Secretary responsible for Energy, Marko Perunović, and representatives of state-owned power utility “Elektroprivreda” Crne Gore (EPCG), Chairman of the Board of Directors, Milutin Djukanović, and Generation Manager, Bojan Djordan, at the premises of the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna.
The meeting focused on Montenegro’s progress in reforming its energy sector in line with the country’s obligations under the Energy Community Treaty.
The Secretariat welcomed Montenegro’s commitment to the energy transition and the adoption of a National Energy and Climate Plan and a coal phase-out timeline. The Secretariat urged Montenegro to respect the Large Combustion Plants Directive’s opt-out timeline for the thermal power plant (TPP) Pljevlja, the subject of an infringement procedure. The Montenegrin delegation explained the planned roadmap for the reconstruction of TPP Pljevlja, which envisages emission standards compliance in 2023 and the reasons for delay.
The Secretariat agreed to extend its assistance to Montenegro, in particular with respect to the development of the missing secondary legislation for renewables, environmental impact assessment for hydropower projects in Komarnica and Krusevo, and social and environmental impacts of the transition at local level in Pljevlja.
Source: Energy Community