In line with the global trends in the area of energy efficiency, reduced negative impact on climate change and preservation of the planet, switching to electric vehicles represents one of the options which will drastically contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. To that purpose, chargers for electric vehicles are also being improved, namely new charging options are being established
Countries across the world encourage switching to EVs, which, with all of their advantages, represent a suitable alternative. Based on new emissions standards put forth by the European Union, as many as a third of the new cars in the EU will be electric or hydrogen-powered by 2030.

As reported by Inside EVs, global sales of new electric cars surpassed two million units for the first time in 2018, which is a 72 percent increase over the previous year at an average market share of 2.1 percent. Simultaneously with the increase of the number of EVs, the number of charging stations has been rising as well.
In Europe, up to 66% of all chargers are located in four countries: the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, and it is estimated that the total number of chargers in Europe will reach two million by 2025.
In regard to Serbia and the countries in the region, a rising trend of delivered and installed EV chargers has been registered, getting us closer to the countries with highly advanced electric mobility and the leaders of that trend. Schneider Electric has delivered nearly 100 EV chargers in Serbia and Montenegro so far, and in the past two years companies in the public and private sectors have been increasingly interested in installing EV chargers at their parking lots and in garages.
In Belgrade, EVlink chargers Schneider Electric are installed at several locations, with those in the reconstructed public garage at Obilićev venac as most available for citizens of the capital.
Home Ev Chargers – New Trends
An increase of the number of electric vehicles and further expansion of their use lead to the need for the production of EV chargers with an option of charging at home Drivers are embracing EVs not only for their improved fuel economy, reduced emissions, and lower fuel expenses, but also because the cost of charging a car at home in a garage over the course of a year can be less than running an air conditioner. And research shows that “electric cars are already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel cars in the UK, United States, and Japan”.
They have two options for charging at home at disposal –chargers supplied when buying a car, with basic charging features, and chargers with advanced options, helping drivers to reduce concerns about running out of electricity while driving.
In focus:
Enhanced EV charging solutions – the EVlink by Schneider Electric – are available in the market, working faster than standard ones and delivering a host of additional benefits. EVlink chargers can be part of a comprehensive smart home solution, with an option of integrating them with home’s electrical system to keep a car from charging during peak-demand times, i.e., when other electrical appliances are likely to be in use. A charger can also be set to operate at the cheapest times.
Rated for indoor safety, EVlink’s intuitive design facilitates daily use and for additional flexibility in installation and usage, each station comes complete with a docking bracket.
This article was published in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine NATURAL RESOURCES, march – may, 2020