Schneider Electric Boosts its Contribution to Circular Economy Alongside 32 other Major French Companies

AFEP, the French Association of Private Companies, presented its report to Minister Ségolène Royal and Secretary of State Christophe Sirugue, entitled “Circular economy trajectories: 33 companies boost their contribution through 100 commitments”, at the Circular Economy Conference held on February 1st at the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea.

AFEP member companies are playing an active role for several years now in the challenge of the circular economy. The report details concrete actions taken by these companies across more than 18 different business sectors based on all the drivers of the circular economy (recycling, sustainable procurement, eco-design, responsible consumption, industrial and territorial ecology, economics of functionality, extension of useful life).

Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, confirmed four commitments for the period 2015-2017:

Eco-design of all its offers by incorporating key dimensions of circularity for each new product development (e.g. lifespan, repairability, upgradability, ability to be retrofitted or dismantled, recyclability of components, etc.);

Promotion of its ecoFITTM services, which consists of retrofitting Schneider Electric products and those of other brands. These services help to return equipment to its optimum performance thus extending its lifespan;

Enhance and promote transparency regarding product “circularity” information, aiming to make 75% of its revenues from products with a full life cycle analysis and specific instructions covering product end-of-life management, both accessible to its customers and partners digitally around the clock;

Reduce waste generation, maximise its reuse or second life (over 90% recovery and recycling rate) under satisfactory safety conditions and to achieve “zero landfill” for waste. Target of 100 industrial sites by the end of 2017, with efforts continuing.

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