Ride a wind turbine in this crazy wind farm amusement park

Wind-parkTheme parks can be fun for children. Shouldn’t there be a theme park that adults can feel good about? If you’ve ever wanted to see the views from atop a wind turbine, your wish may soon come true. The Dutch renewable energy company Qurrent just unveiled plans to transform a wind farm into the “world’s first sustainable theme park.” Designed in collaboration with Jora Entertainment, the park will be packed with adrenaline-pumping rides from the world’s tallest spiraling water slide to an incredibly fast attraction on a turbine blade booster.

While Qurrent’s planned 8,000-square-meter theme park won’t be the first to be powered by wind, it will be the first to turn wind turbines into amusement park rides. The eco-theme park will also offer more than thrills and novelty. Qurrent envisions the park as a “celebration of environmental contribution” that will showcase Dutch renewable energy and educate the public on sustainable practices.

Some of the featured rides will include Beaufort Buster, a waterslide with a spiral slide wrapping around a wind-turbine. Another great idea is the Blade Runner: a ride ON a turbine blade. Can you imagine spinning around on a windmill blade? This is roughly the same idea. This company will produce a ride that speeds around at a “shockingly” rapid rate.The “Newton Nightmare” is a drop tower that will descend 95 meters in 1.5 seconds flat. Whether young or old, this speed will knock your socks right off. The roller coaster will always be the great standby, and luckily, Qurrent is providing Happy Hurricane Roller coaster.

 “Within ten years from now, wind energy will be ubiquitous,” says Richard Klatten, CEO of Qurrent. “We strive to be ahead of things, and shape the future of renewable energy.

Creating an environment where people can experience clean energy in a fun and educational way could be one of those. And hey – how neat would it be to tell your friends you took a ride on an actual wind turbine?”

Photo by: Qurrent

Source: www.inhabitat.com


