The National Renewable Energy Action Plan of The Republic of Serbia (NAPOIE) (28.06.2013) is a document that encourages investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and in which the goals for the use of renewable energy sources until 2020 and the way to achieve them are determined. NAPOIE was created as a result of the international obligation that the Republic of Serbia undertook in 2006 adopting the Law on ratification of the treaty establishing the Energy Community between the European Community and the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo in line with United Nation Security Council resolution 1244 (2006).
By signing this contract, the Republic of Serbia has agreed to implement various directives in the field of renewable energy sources and in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC. Serbia also accepted binding targets for the members of the European Union to ensure that RES by 2020 participate with 20 per cent in gross final energy consumption at the EU level, as well as to improve energy efficiency and improve it by 20 per cent in the same period. Annexes specify the individual goals of each member state. The Republic of Serbia, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC and the Decision of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community (18/10/2012), set itself an ambitious goal of 27 per cent share of renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption in 2020, and therefore Serbia passed a whole series of laws, lists and administrative provisions, which is another obligation that Serbia has until the end of 2013, stemming from the Decision of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community.
– National Renewable Energy Action Plan of the Republic of Sebia
According to the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period by 2025 with Projections by 2030 (2012), the strategic development of energy is based on establishing a balance between energy production from available sources, energy consumption with a marketable and socially sustainable character, and more efficient production and of using the “cleanest” energy from renewable sources (RES). In other words, by more efficient energy production from available and renewable sources, with planned and profitable placement, it is possible to establish a sustainable energy system. On the other hand, a strategic approach to energy is the way to reduce environmental threats and economic costs.
According to the latest strategy, the following priorities are planned:
1) ensuring energy security by reducing import dependence, providing energy reserves of oil and natural gas and building new power capacities;
2) the development of the energy market within the EU energy market, into which the Republic of Serbia is integrated by signing the Agreement on the Establishment of the Energy Community, which contributes to the economic development and stability of the country and the construction of the modernization of the electric power and gas pipeline infrastructure;
3) establishment of sustainable energy through the implementation of energy efficiency measures, the use of renewable energy sources and the application of norms for environmental protection and the mitigation of climate change impacts.
In order to develop the energy system, the following are required: the construction of electric power systems, the construction of district heating systems, the participation of energy from renewable sources in the gross final energy consumption (GFEC) of 27 per cent, the opening of new surface mines for the production of coal, the mitigation of import dependence on oil, the construction of gas pipeline infrastructure for the production of natural gas, with more efficient use of energy for a wide range of applications.
In favor of preserving the environment, the tendency of global energy is to rely more and more on renewable sources and less and less on exhaustible resources. Based on the statistics of the “green” energy system of Serbia, renewable energy potentials are mostly used in hydro flows, while the remaining renewable sources are still in the development phase. By introducing the principle of “cleaner” and more economical energy production, more and more efficient equipment and technology are developed and used, and projects of a wide range of applications are encouraged, from small households connected to the distribution network to industrial-scale capacities. The strategic national goals are to use the available renewable resources in the electricity production, heating plants and final consumption, as well as in traffic.
This strategy emphasizes that sustainable energy is achieved, among other things, by creating economic, economic and financial conditions for increasing the share of energy from renewable energy sources.
– Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period by 2025 with Projections by 2030
In the National Sustainable Development Strategy (2008) of the renewable energy sector, the following goals are defined:
– more extensive research into the potential of sustainable energy sources,
– determination of technologies for which the introduction of incentive measures and mechanisms is justified,
– passing regulations (concessions, incentive prices, etc.) to encourage the use of energy from renewable sources,
– increasing the use of renewable energy sources,
– education and awareness development as an incentive for inclusion in the production and use of energy from renewable sources.
– National Sustainable Development Strategy 2008-2017
The Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2015 (2006) is in accordance with the assessment of economic growth, the assumption of macro-economic indicators and energy factors in the economy and industry of that level of energy development of the country, with defined priority and achievable reforms, of which renewable sources are mentioned in the context of the gradual introduction of technologically reliable, energy-efficient, economically profitable and environmentally certain technology, with increased and selective use of new and renewable resources that have the status of commercial energy.
– Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2015
National Waste Management Strategy for the period 2010 – 2019 was adopted on April 15, 2010. at the session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
The document represents the long-term strategy of the Republic of Serbia in the field of environmental protection.
The goal is to improve the quality of life of the population by ensuring the desired environmental conditions and preserving nature based on sustainable environmental management.
Key steps include strengthening existing and developing new measures to establish an integrated waste management system, further integration of environmental policy into other sectoral policies, acceptance of greater individual responsibility for the environment and more active public participation in decision-making processes.
Establishing economic instruments and financial mechanisms is necessary to ensure a system for domestic and foreign investments in long-term sustainable activities. Also, the strategy considers the need for institutional strengthening, development of legislation, implementation of regulations at all levels, education and development of public awareness.
Waste management strategy:
– determines the basic orientation of waste management for the next period, in accordance with the EU policy in this area and the strategic determinations of the Republic of Serbia;
– directs legislation harmonization activities in the process of approximation to EU legislation;
– identifies responsibilities for waste and the importance and role of ownership of capital management;
– sets waste management goals for the short and long term;
– determines measures and activities to achieve the set goals.
– National Waste Management Strategy for the period 2010 – 2019
Action Plans
International Agreements