Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Local Communities

undp_srb_climate_change_conferenceBurning global issue of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction was the topic of last week in Belgrade   meeting that gathered representatives of Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, UNDP, Embassy of France in Serbia and Embassy of Morocco in Belgrade, who discussed the best measures for reduction of GHG in municipalities. The meeting was organized ahead of the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that will be held on November 7-18, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

The keynote speakers Ms. Stana Božovic, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, H.E. Christine Moro, Ambassador of France, H.E. Driss Hachaq, Charge d’Affaires, Embassy of Morocco stressed the importance of the issue and adherence to the Paris Agreement.

Ms. Irena Vojackova Sollorano thanked the Ministry, Embassy of France and development partners for their cooperation and expressed UNDP’s commitment to support the government of Serbia in their efforts to fight climate change on both local and national level.

Attendees had an opportunity to learn more about national goals in climate change reduction, innovative solutions for local development resilient to climate change, international innovation, support of the Swiss government to local communities and the role of civil society organizations as a link between the national policy and local measures. An example of solutions of resilience to climate change was presented in the context of the experience by the Finnish capital city of Helsinki.

This meeting was also one of the final activities in the preparation for the project entitled „Local Development Resilient to Climate Change“, which aims to help the local communities to launch and implement innovative measures and solutions for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Project will be implemented in the next five years by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection in partnership with UNDP and thanks to the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).


