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How to Save on Electricity Bill

The arrival of autumn and colder days gives headaches to many. Apart from hectic preparations for school and searching for the winter clothes in your closets, preparations for the looming heating season...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

How People Power Helped Saved the Argentine Sea From Oil Companies

Greenpeace Argentina had started the year with bad news: the Argentine State had divided up the Argentine Sea in favour of the interests of the oil industry by approving the project of...

What is the Future of Electric Cars?

Contrary to all expectations, the year 2020, gloomy as was to all, caused so much trouble that we were impatiently waiting to “see it vanish”, yet had one bright spot. Once the...

Circular Business Models and Smarter Design Can Reduce Environment and Climate Impacts From Textiles

The EEA briefing ‘Textiles and the environment: The role of design in Europe’s circular economy’ provides updated estimates of textiles’ life-cycle impacts on the environment and climate. The briefing shows that, compared with...

Eleven Additional Governments Commit to New Plastics Economy

Eleven new governments have announced today at the One Ocean Summit that they will join the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment. Led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with the UN Environment...

9 Key Steps to Owning Your Own Solar Power Plant

Here you will find some useful tips to help you make the right decision if you are considering installing solar panels on the roof of your building. Below you will find a list of...

To Help Serbia Switch To Circular Economy Faster

Nordic Business Alliance is a business association founded with a goal to gather and integrate the Nordic business community in Serbia. Its members are Nordic companies doing business in Serbia, as well...

Another Warning by IPCC Climate Scientists is Heading Our Way

Remember the Code Red for Humanity? It was the warning report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is composed of the world’s leading climate scientists. Issued last August, the report was...

Drawing Disaster-Preparedness Lessons From Tonga’s Volcano

The massive volcanic eruption off the coast of Tonga on 15 January produced a blast hundreds of times the strength of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion, according to NASA. The volcano and subsequent tsunami...

India and IRENA Strengthen Ties as Country Plans Major Renewables and Hydrogen Push

India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has signed a strategic partnership agreement with IRENA, signalling its intent to further strengthen its collaboration with IRENA in the field of Renewable Energy. The...

Albania: The first Contracting Party to adopt National Energy and Climate Plan

The Government of Albania adopted the first version of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) on 29 December 2021. The draft of the Plan was submitted to the Secretariat, which provided...

WADI + Sun = Free Potable Water

The perfection is in simplicity, which also goes for simple inventions. Thus, a small device, called WADI, which does not require batteries, chemi-cals, or spare parts, can save a large part of...

Economic Losses From Weather and Climate-Related Extremes in Europe Reached Around Half a Trillion Euros Over Past 40 years

Around 3 percent of all such events were responsible for 60 percent of the losses according to the EEA briefing. Economic losses and fatalities from weather- and climate-related events in Europe, which together...

EBRD and Ascendis Launch Regional IncubatorX SME Programme

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Ascendis, a training and consulting company, today launched IncubatorX SME, a programme through which companies in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Serbia can engage with top entrepreneurs and consultants, who...

Europe: Electric Car Sales Surpass Diesel

In a milestone for the environment, Europeans purchased more electric cars than those powered by diesel last month. According to recent data, over 20 percent of new cars sold in Europe and...



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