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Walmart Takes Aim at Supply Chain Emissions with Launch of Project Gigaton

Walmart has this week officially kicked off a new plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions across its global supply chain by one gigaton by 2030. Dubbed Project Gigaton, the new initiative was unveiled...

Scotland Sets Wind Record, Provides Enough Electricity for 3.3 Million Homes in March

Slowly but surely, it is becoming fact that households and entire countries can run on clean, renewable energy. Costa Rica, for instance, ran on renewable energy sources for 285 days in 2015...

Climate Scoreboard: EU Member States Fail To Convince With Patchy 2050 Plans

Only eleven EU Member States delivered a 2050 emissions reduction strategy by 2015 as required by EU law - and the strategies that were submitted vary hugely in quality. These are the...

Dressing for Long-Term Success: H&M Vows to Become ‘Climate Positive’ by 2040

Swedish fashion giant H&M has unveiled new plans to become a 'climate positive' retailer throughout its value chain by 2040. The headline target is a key plank of the retailers new '100 per...

Scotland and California Pledge Closer Ties on Climate Change and Wind Power

The governments of Scotland and California have signed a joint agreement committing the two administrations to share best practice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon...

Building Firms Urge Government to Deliver Bold Clean Growth Plan

More than 30 green construction, heat and energy efficiency organisations have urged Business Secretary Greg Clark to publish the UK's long-awaited Clean Growth Plan and deliver bold new policies to decarbonise homes...

US Hotel Giants Launch Flurry of Food Waste Trials

Some of the world's most iconic hotels are to trial new approaches to tackling food waste, as part of a major new initiative launched today by WWF, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the...

UK Climate Targets ‘Will Raise Household Energy Bills by £100 in a Decade’

The cost of supporting new windfarms and nuclear power stations to meet the UK’s carbon targets will add nearly £100 to the average household energy bill by the end of the next...

Coral Reefs Are Dying Faster than Ever! We Have to Do Something, NOW!

Photo: Unless we act now, we could lose all reefs by 2050, risking the food source and livelihood of half a billion people. Coral reefs are a critical global ecosystem. They support 25%...

Scotland Grants Planning Approval for 50MW Floating Offshore Wind Farm

The Scottish government yesterday granted planning permission for a new 50MW floating offshore wind farm around 15km off the coast of Aberdeen, marking a significant step forward for the nascent clean energy...

Solar Power Growth Doubled in 2016 Driven by China and US Demand

The amount of new solar power capacity installed worldwide rocketed by 50 per cent last year, driven by increasing demand from both the US and China, according to new data. Global solar PV...

Analysts: UK Carbon Emissions Hit Lowest Levels Since 1920s

UK carbon emissions last year reached their lowest level since the general strikes and the Wall Street Crash of the 1920s pushed emissions to a record low. That is the conclusion of a...

UK Car Industry Warns ‘Anti-Diesel Agenda’ Harming CO2 Reduction Progress

Average new car CO2 emissions fell to an all-time low for the 19th consecutive year in 2016 thanks to billions of pounds of investment in advanced engine, fuel and battery technology and...

Green Campaigners Welcome Coca-Cola U-Turn On Bottle and can Recycling Scheme

Coca-Cola has announced it supports testing a deposit return service for drinks cans and bottles, in a major coup for environment and anti-waste campaigners. Executives told an event in Edinburgh on Tuesday evening...

Number 6 – February 2017

  New bulletin is dedicated to Climate Change. The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce have performed many activities, such as round tables on Serbian Strategy on...

UK Can Still Meet Carbon Targets with Heathrow Expansion, Government Says

The addition of a third runway at Heathrow will not endanger the UK's ability to meet its legally binding climate change targets, the government has claimed in a new Airports National Policy...



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