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The World’s First Floating Wind Farm has Already Exceeded Expectations

Hywind is the first commercial floating wind farm, located more than 15 miles off the coast of Aberdeenshire, Scotland in the North Sea. Built by Norwegian conglomerate Statoil, the six turbines came...

Climate Change, Conflict Leave 224 Million Undernourished in Africa

An official with the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warns that climate change and conflict are leading to food insecurity for millions of people living in Africa. "Undernourishment appears to have...

Climate Change To Lead To More Frequent UK Flooding, Warns Environment Agency

5.2 million properties in England are at risk of flooding, and increases in the frequency of intense bouts of flooding are expected across England due to changes in the country’s climate, warns...

KiWi Power on 4GW Battery in South Wales

Multi million pound 4GW battery officially unveiled at Parc Stormy in Bridgend to provide balancing services to onsite solar, AD, wind turbine and cement facilities. A 4GW battery facility designed to provide grid...

Pentagon: Half Of US Military Sites Threatened By Climate Change

Roughly half of the military sites maintained by the US are now threatened by climate change and associated effects, according to a new study from the Pentagon. To be more specific, flooding, drought,...

Good News! Study Claims Global Warming Will Only Be Disastrous, Not Catastrophic

We all know the Earth is getting warmer. Everyone except Republicans knows the increase in temperature is related to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. Climate scientists don’t agree on how much...

Urban Farming Key in Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change

The urban farms sprouting up and across cities around the world aren't just feeding mouths—they are "critical to survival" and a "necessary adaptation" for developing regions and a changing climate, according to...

Researchers Determine Future Climate Change Will Make Power Outages More Costly

Researchers from Virginia Tech have published findings that show future climate change will likely make power outages more costly for European households as residents seek to avoid summer outages. In a study published...

44% Wind — Denmark Set New Wind Energy Record In 2017

Numbers have just come out this week from, the Danish energy organization whose members support companies in delivering steady green power to the Danes, with an impressive uptime of 99.99% at...

2017 Second Hottest Year On Record, After Only 2016

2017 was the second hottest year on record with regard to global average temperatures — after only 2016 — according to a new report from the Europe-based Copernicus Climate Change Service. The high...

Ice Will Return but Extinctions Can’t Be Reversed. We Must Act now

We have to develop digital forecasts of species’ responses to climate change, design robust strategies to protect as many as possible, and help nature to adapt. Each day increasingly dangerous hurricanes, wildfires, and...

3 Extreme Weather Events in 2016 ‘Could Not Have Happened’ Without Climate Change, Scientists Say

Three of 2016's extreme weather events would have been impossible without human-caused climate change, according to new research. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society published a collection of papers Wednesday focused on...

World Temperatures To Rise By Up To 15% More By 2100 Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Earlier estimates may have understated the extent by which world temperatures will rise by 2100 by up to 15%, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. In other words, if...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...

Renewables Provided 44.1% Of Germany’s Electricity In October

Germany added 2.3 gigawatts of new onshore wind capacity in the first half of 2017. Though it failed to meet the target last year, the Renewable Energy Act set an annual target...

Denver Becomes Latest City to Require Green Roofs

Denver is the latest city to mandate rooftop gardens or solar installations on new, large buildings, joining San Francisco, New York, Paris, London and other cities around the world with similar green...



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