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Commission Delivers on its Circular Economy Promises

One year after adopting its Circular Economy Package, the Commission has reported on delivery and progress to date, and tabled new ideas on waste management and investment. One year after adopting its Circular...

Number 5 – November 2016

This issue of bulletin is dedicated to recycling, waste management, waste water management and water management in Serbia. We wanted to inform you about new legislative and laws. There are numerous interviews...

Bicycle Friendly Amsterdam Aims for Clean Transport, Smarter Buildings, and a Circular Economy

Cycling is a big part of Amsterdam’s clean transport story. The city has more bikes than people and is increasing the number of green bikeways, separated from roads. “More and more, we’re biking,”...

Strengthen the Capacities for the Use of Bioenergy in Serbia

Delegation of German Economy in Serbia organized a conference entitled ‘Biomass and Biogas in Serbia’ at the beginning of April in Belgrade. A number of interested companies from Germany held a presentation...

Blame Oil: Nigeria Slumps into Recession, Norway Stalls

Nigeria slumped into recession and Norway's economic growth slowed to a standstill in the second quarter. Both countries rely on oil for a big chunk of their exports and have been hit...

Together we improve the quality of life

Every day business practice best testifies on the determination of Hemofarm to proactively create sustainable business models by achieving better business results. At the same time they develop the local community in...

700,000 solar panels have been installed on our facilities so far

The Prime Ministers of Sweden and Serbia confirmed that  IKEA  will  invest  300 million euros in Serbia by the end of the year at the World Economic Forum in Davos during January....

BRANKO DUNJIC: The Best and the Most Successful Companies have Integrated Principles of Clean Production in the Basis of Their Business

UNIDO (United Nations Development Organization) is the United Nation’s specialised agency that promotes sustainable industrial development. UNIDO encourages the reduction of poverty in developing countries, as well as development of economy in...

Circular economy to have considerable benefits, but challenges remain

The environmental benefits of adopting a circular economy in Europe could be considerable – reducing waste, and minimizing the continent’s heavy dependence on imports of raw materials. A new report published today...


Biomass – the most widespread and inefficiently used source of energyLimited resources of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect that man has created, bring us back to sustainable fuels. Biomass is a...

The Role of Hydrogen and Iron in an Innovative Solution for Solar Energy Storage

Although solar energy currently available in many countries could meet a significant portion of electricity needs, certain challenges are associated with this energy source. Solar energy is not consistently available. For example,...

By Investing in Sustainability, we’re Improving the Natural and Business Environment

Delta Holding is successfully implementing its ESG strategy, which contributes to environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of life in the community. Tijana Koprivica, the company’s Sustainable Business Manager, spoke...

A Natural Solution For Slower Decay of Fruits and Fagetables

How often does it happen that fruits and vegetables in shops and homes start decaying after a short time? As soon as they change color, fruits like bananas end up as food...

Why is Compost Important, and How to Make Compost?

Disseminating environmental awareness has made popular numerous activities and habits that we as a society once might have been ashamed of or thought should not occupy a place in our lives. Although...

OMV Serbia – Energy for a Better Life

An integrated energy, fuel, raw material, and chemical company, OMV, based in Vienna, is transforming into a leading company in sustainable fuels while playing a key role in the circular economy. The...

Cellulose Plastic for a Healthier Environment

The idea of bioplastics is not new – for some time, environmentally oriented scientists have been trying to develop a fully recyclable replacement for plastic as we know it today. Researchers from Hokkaido...



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