Search results for:green projects

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Ireland all Ears on Green Plans

Dublin has launched a public consultation on a new national planning framework that will include canvassing public attitudes to the further deployment of renewable energy. The government is seeking views on the development...

Nation’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Gets Green Light

New York State made clean energy history today when the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) approved a contract for the nation's largest offshore wind project, which will be located in the waters...

EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

Manchester Goes Green – Airport Significantly Reduces Energy Usage & City Centre Properties Follow Suit

Manchester airport becomes first carbon neutral airport in the UKFrom 1st April 2018 it is unlawful to rent a property with poor energy efficiency rating Mason Street uses low-carbon tech...

Essen is Europe’s 2017 Green Capital

The German city of Essen is Europe's "Green Capital" in 2017, a title awarded by the European Commission, for its success in transitioning from a heavily polluting mining center to a clean...

Green Infrastructure Investment Set to Plummet 95 Per Cent by 2020

UK investment in renewables looks set to plummet by up to 95 per cent over the next three years, the think tank Green Alliance has warned in a new analysis of the...

KfW First Development Bank to Sign Master Agreement with Green Climate Fund (GCF)

On the occasion of the Green Climate Fund's board meeting, KfW recently  signed a master agreement with the GCF. The complex agreement governs the rights and obligations of the GCF, the accredited...

EU Set to Limit Priority for Future Renewable Energy Projects: Draft

EU regulators plan to limit renewable energy producers' right to be the first to sell their electricity into European power grids, but stopped short of scrapping such privileges for existing projects as...

GIZ Accredited by Green Climate Fund

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been accredited as an implementing organisation by the Green Climate Fund. GIZ can now apply for financing from the fund for projects with...

Fine South African Wine Goes Green with Schneider Electric Solar Solutions

Three wine estates have recently blended vintage with innovation by taking advantage of the South African climate to enhance their power requirements. De Grendel dairy and wine farm in the Durbanville Wine...

GGF Partners with AFK to Support Green Financing in Kosovo

The Green for Growth Fund (GGF)  announced a EUR 1 million senior loan to Agency for Finance in Kosovo (AFK) in a deal that further expands and diversifies the fund’s geographic and...

China Ratchets Down Green-Energy Growth for First Time ever

Over the past few years, China has made a major push to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging use of green technologies. Thanks to generous government incentives and fleet purchases, it is now...

Environment and Security Initiative’s Support Towards Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy in Focus of OSCE

The Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) stakeholders discussed on 9th June  in Batumi how the Initiative can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and transition to green...

Environmental projects of UEFA Euro 2016

Organising an event on the scale of UEFA EURO 2016 is an environmental challenge, thus the organisation of the event started in 2014. Each of the organisational domains involved in the tournament (including...

The Fourth Green Week Day – Safeguarding our Oceans for the Future

Thursday looked at investing in our oceans to ensure that they stay healthy and productive for future generations. Participants across Europe explored the potential of our oceans – if used responsibly –...

The Green Week’s Third Day – Investing for a Greener Future

Wednesday looked at the how to make the investments that we need to ensure a greener future. Participants explored innovative ideas and concrete solutions that already exist to finance green initiatives. The day...



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