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Renewables Break UK Records for Second Quarter in a Row

Government data shows clean generation made up a record 33.1% of the mix in the third quarter of 2018.Renewable energy’s share of generation has broken UK records for the second quarter in a...

Australian Renewables on Track for 78% by 2030 on Current Trends

If Australia maintains its current rate of solar and wind installations through the next decade, the industry could feasibly account for 78% of the country’s electricity supply along its west and east...

France Bids Adieu to 14 of Its Nuclear Power Stations

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the nuclear-reliant nation will close 14 of its 58 operational nuclear reactors by 2035.The leader added between four and six facilities will be closed by 2030...

Europe ‘Powers Towards Decarbonisation by 2045’

Europe’s power sector could be fully decarbonised by as early as 2045. That’s according to a new study from Eurelectric, which says the region could beat the 2050 targets set out by the...

UK Summer ‘Wind Drought’ Puts Green Revolution into Reverse

Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.The summer of 2017...

Good Job, Sweden: Sweden Is on Track to Meet Its 2030 Renewable Energy Goals This Year

Sweden’s ambitious goal to provide renewable and affordable energy by 2030 is expected to become reality a little ahead of schedule. The Swedish Wind Power Association (SWPA) says its members are on...

India’s Huge Solar Ambitions Could Push Coal Further into Shade

India says it intends to launch a tender for 100 gigawatts of solar power, 10 times the size of the current largest solar tender in the world – another Indian project scheduled...

Pope Francis Tells Oil Bosses World Must Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

Pope Francis has told oil company chiefs that the world must switch to clean energy because climate change risks destroying humanity.“Civilisation requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilisation,” he said...

Public Support for Renewables Hits Record 85 Per Cent High

Support for renewable energy among UK residents has climbed yet again to hit 85 per cent, its highest level since the government first began recording attitudes towards energy and climate change issues...

Northern Ireland: Renewables Industry Calls for Long Term Decarbonisation Strategy

Northern Ireland's renewables industry has today published a new low carbon Energy Strategy and called on the government to adopt a number of new targets to ensure recent progress in deploying renewables...

Solar Smashes Wind In First German Technology Neutral Tender

As the expiry of the previous support scheme for renewable energy in Denmark resulted in a significant expansion with land based wind energy in 2017, we hold our breath to see how...

British Wind Farms Breeze Past Generation Records in First Quarter of 2018

The first three months of 2018 saw record-breaking wind generation, according to new data released this week that underscores the increasing influence of renewable power in the UK electricity system. Data from energy...

Costa Rica’s New President Vows ‘Emancipation’ From Dirty Transport

Carlos Alvarado Quesada, the president-elect of Costa Rica, plans to continue the country's extraordinary stewardship of the environment with a pledge to decarbonize its transportation sector. On Sunday, he promised that one day...

Vestas To Test Solar & Wind Hybrid System In Spain

In a press release today the renewable energy companies Vestas and Energias de Portugal Renováveis (EDPR) describe a hybrid demonstration setup based on wind and solar photovoltaics to be installed at an...

Australian Renewable Energy Agency Launches $12.5 Million Distributed Energy Funding Initiative

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency announced Thursday that it was launching a new AUD$12.5 million funding initiative for pilot projects and studies that focus on integrating distributed energy resources into the electricity...

African Development Bank Secures $52.5 Million For 100 Megawatts Of Zambia Renewable Energy

The African Development Bank has this week secured $52.5 million in funding from the Green Climate Fund for Zambia’s Renewable Energy Financing Framework which will seek to finance 100 megawatts (MW) of...



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