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The Future Belongs to Clean Energy

As we close out a summer marked by uncertainty in news and events, one trend for which analysts voice increasing certainty is the accelerating pace of the clean-energy transformation reshaping how the...

Sonoma Clean Power Signs New Wind Contract

Sonoma Clean Power (SCP), the nonprofit public agency in USA that has been generating electricity for 88 percent of Sonoma County’s residents and business owners since launching in 2014, has signed a...

Efficiency, Clean Energy Put Dent in CO2 Emissions

Americans are using less electricity as buildings become more energy-efficient and industrial power demand weakens, and a new report says that is leading to three trends: Declining carbon dioxide emissions, low electric...

Here Is Why Google Is Buying a Crazy Amount of Clean Energy

Google just closed on a deal to buy a significant amount of clean energy from two new wind farms that will be built in Norway and Sweden to help power its data...

Mexico, Canada, U.S. to Make Clean Power Pledge

The U.S., Mexico and Canada are expected to pledge Wednesday to collectively generate 50 percent of their electricity from zero-carbon sources by 2025, according to White House officials. The agreement is expected to...

ABB and Solar Impulse show that a clean energy future is achievable

As Hawaii embarks on the complex transition from a fossil-fueled past to a clean energy future, Solar Impulse and ABB are proving that renewables are a reliable power source. By flying halfway around...

With renewable energy sources to cleaner future

The use of renewable energy has become one of the key components of sustainable development after developed countries have recognized the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Although Serbia has great energy...

Senegal Is Second African Country to Join ‘Scaling Solar’ to Quickly Develop Clean Energy

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, signed an agreement on Tuesday with the government of Senegal to develop up to 200 megawatts of solar power under Scaling Solar, a World...

Governor Cuomo Launches $5 Billion Clean Energy Fund to Grow New York’s Clean Energy Economy

Clean Energy Fund will advance solar, wind, energy efficiency and other clean tech industries to spur economic development and reduce harmful emissions. Today's unprecedented action will result in lower energy costs for...

Luxen Solar – Caring For Each Customer

From its very formation, the Luxen Solar Company has clearly defined its operational principles and set up the production of a quality and reliable product that enables a faster return on investment,...


Numerous factors influence the importance and representation of electric vehicles at the local and state level. In the first place, global trends are important, or let’s colloquially call it fashion. This has...


Electrification is one of the global goals because it is the only way to reduce emissions of harmful gases generated by traffic. Experts predict that, by the end of 2030, we will...

Latin America to play an essential role in the global transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system

At a time of rising geopolitical uncertainty and accelerating energy transitions, an extraordinary endowment of energy and mineral resources, as well as a history of clean energy leadership, positions Latin America and...


Many years of experience in constructing solar power plants have positioned MT-KOMEX as a safe and reliable partner. Engineers and installers employed by the company regularly attend specially prepared trainings and have...

From polluter to grid service provider: How your car can help power the energy transition

It is common knowledge that electric vehicles (EVs) are cleaner alternatives to conventional vehicles. However, their role in the energy transition extends beyond cutting direct emissions, underlining their crucial importance. This is...

Watts to Wheels: Why EV-Battery Innovation is Key to Sparking a Renewable Revolution

Increasing the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) is a fundamental part of accelerating the renewables-based energy transition and getting us onto the 1.5°C pathway. The uptake of EVs holds the potential to...



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