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How Smartphones Are Heating Up the Planet

When we think about climate change, the main sources of carbon emissions that come to mind for most of us are heavy industries like petroleum, mining and transportation. Rarely do we point the...

Texas Blue Cloud 148 Megawatt Wind Farm Reaches Financial Close, Begins Construction

Tri Global Energy has announced this week that its 148 megawatt wind project has reached financial close and will begin construction with investment from Denmark-based Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and wind turbines supplied...

U.S. Asks China to ‘Immediately Halt’ Ban on Foreign Waste

Last year, China—the world's largest importer of waste—announced it no longer wanted to take in other countries' trash so it could focus on its own pollution problems. This unexpected policy shift, which took...

Those Little Produce Stickers? They’re a Big Waste Problem

Those little produce stickers are ubiquitous fruits and vegetables everywhere. But, as CBC notes, they're actually a significant problem despite their small size. Produce stickers carry price look-up (PLU) codes. PLU codes are...

Climate Change Harms Human Health

Climate change is already making people sicker, according to a deep-dive written by Renee Cho for Columbia University's Earth Institute on Monday. Cho pointed to the example of doctors in Florida who are...

‘The Beginning of the End of Coal’: Chile Unveils Coal Phase Out Plan

The global push to phase out unabated coal power chalked up a major victory this week, as Chile announced it would ban the development of new coal power plants without carbon capture...

Innogy to Enter US Onshore Wind Market with 2GW Deal

German energy firm Innogy SE is making its first foray into the US wind power market, with a deal to buy a 2GW portfolio of onshore wind projects from EverPower Wind Holdings...

Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...

‘Monumental’: China Launches National Emissions Trading System

China has today announced further details of its forthcoming national emissions trading scheme (ETS), revealing the rollout will start in the energy sector before full implementation from 2020 onwards. In a move that...

Alberta (Tar Sands Capital Of The World) Invests In 600 MW Of Wind Power

Bill McKibben calls the Alberta tar sands a “carbon bomb.” Not only does it require huge quantities of energy to separate the oil from the sands, the oil produced creates more carbon...

Republican Tax Bill Presents Grave Threat to Alaska’s Tribal Groups

For tribal people in northern Alaska, a Republican tax overhaul that was hastily cobbled together in congressional backrooms 3,000 miles away has raised fears that their entire way of life could be...

Global Wind Turbine Orders Reach 11.6 Gigawatts In 1H’17, Vestas Still Leads

A total of 11,570.9 megawatts worth of wind turbine orders were announced through the first half of 2017, a nearly 2 gigawatt decline on the same time a year ago and over...

World’s Cheapest Solar Power to be Generated in Mexico

Mexico is on track to generate the world’s cheapest solar power — with prices as low as 1.77¢/kWh, according to Mexico’s Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (Cenace). Mexico’s Department of Energy...

Oregon and Washington Join 20 Countries to Phase Out Coal By 2030

Even though the Trump administration used its only public forum at the COP23 climate talks in Bonn to promote coal, it's clear that many individual U.S. businesses, cities and entire states would...

World Is Set to Warm 3.4°C By 2100

By approaching 2100, a world set for 3.4˚C will, on present trends, probably be the reality confronting our descendants—slightly less warm than looked likely a year ago, analysts think. That's the good...

Report: Global Switch to 100 Per Cent Renewable Electricity Both Feasible and Cheaper than Current System

Renewables combined with energy storage technologies could generate enough secure power to cover the world's entire electricity demand by 2050 while proving cheaper than the current fossil-fuel dominated system, according to a...



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