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AIR POLLUTION AND CARS: Diesel Today is Better than Gas

Modern diesel cars emit less pollution generally than cars that run on gasoline, says a new six-nation study published today in Scientific Reports whose groundwork was laid in part by an American...

This Dress Measures Air Pollution & Makes It Visible (VIDEO)

When Dominque Paul walks down the street, people stop and stare. Sporting silver go-go boots, a metallic wig and light-up dress, she looks like a David Bowie fever dream. Paul’s outfit is more...

Air Pollution & Dust Cuts Solar Cell Energy Output By Over 25% In Some Parts Of The World, Study Finds

A new study has now quantified the solar cell energy output loss occurring around the world as a result of air pollution and dust — bringing one of the most serious limitations...

London to Upgrade 5,000 Buses to Euro VI Air Quality Standard by 2020

London's 5,000 most polluting buses are to be upgraded to the latest Euro VI emission standard by 2020 under a new retrofit programme announced yesterday by the city's Mayor, Sadiq Khan. Under the...

Sadiq Khan: Gove Must Get a Grip on ‘Life and Death’ Air Pollution Crisis

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has requested an urgent meeting with the new environment secretary, Michael Gove, to urge him to get a grip on Britain's "life and death" air pollution...

Paris Pollution Victim Sues France for Bad Air

A Parisian woman is taking the French state to court for failing to protect her health from the effects of air pollution. Clotilde Nonnez, a 56-year-old yoga teacher, says she has lived in...

IEA: World Can Reach ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental...

Tiny Air Quality Monitors Are Helping Air Pollution Tracking Go Public (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Last summer, about a dozen high school and college students fanned out across the South Bronx and Brooklyn into four neighborhoods heavily trafficked by waste-hauling trucks. They counted the trucks and used...

EU Transport Emissions Ticked Up in 2015

Greenhouse gas emissions from transport across the EU grew by 0.5 per cent in 2015, bucking a five year downward trend, latest statistics reveal. European Environment Agency (EEA) figures published yesterday suggest the...

World’s First Commercial Plant Sucking CO2 from Air Launches in Switzerland (PHOTOS)

The world's first commercial plant to suck carbon dioxide out of the air will open today in Zurich in what its creators are claiming is a "historic moment" for negative emissions technology. The...

Natural Gas Facilities With No Carbon Dioxide Emissions

How can we burn natural gas without releasing CO2 into the air? This feat is achieved using a special combustion method that TU Wien has been researching for years: chemical looping combustion...

38,000 People a Year Die Early Because of Diesel Emissions Testing Failures

The global human health impact of the diesel emissions scandal has been revealed by new research showing a minimum of 38,000 people a year die early due to the failure of diesel...

Easyjet Cuts Carbon Emissions 30 Per Cent Since 2000

Easyjet has cut the carbon emissions of its flights by almost a third since 2000 thanks to a combination of better technology and improvements in operating efficiency. Over the last 17 years its...

Theresa May Admits Air Pollution is One of UK’s Gravest Health Risks

Theresa May has admitted the full scale of the UK's air pollution crisis, in a letter acknowledging poor air quality is the fourth biggest health risk for the British public after cancer,...

Health and Green Building Experts Join Forces to Tackle Indoor Air Pollution Threat

A group of health and green building experts have joined together in a new working party aimed at integrating energy efficiency policies with measures to tackle indoor air pollution caused by kitchen...

Successful Take-Off: Private Wire Solar Farm Credited with Saving Belfast Airport £100,000

Belfast International Airport has announced it has saved £100,000 on its energy bills in the 10 months since the switch was flicked on the neighbouring Crookedstone Road solar farm. The £5m Crookedstone Solar...



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